Everything presented on this website is part of the development and refinement of The Asceni Method (for Cognitive Restructuring Through Cycles). TAM is a system for making lasting changes in the content of our thoughts and in the very way we think.
Theos feels their work is ready for an influx of new people. However, anyone interested in joining the TAM study group needs to understand that, as a work-in-progress, there will be changes on a cyclical basis in how we work with the information and the energies.
Another important thing to understand: this is a group. Anyone choosing to participate in our study/work/play in TAM automatically becomes a part of this group. There are tremendous advantages to working in/as a group for the purpose of personal and spiritual growth. As individuals in the group grow, everyone in the group shares in their growth … creating an atmosphere rich in growth … which in turn, accelerates the growth of every individual in the group. And the work, itself, grows.
This is the mutually beneficial dynamic of group work. Group work is an Aquarian, Uranian, Ray 7, Will to Build Divine Forms/Will to Express Divinity quality. We have been honored to help Theos develop this method ~ willing guinea pigs who have been vastly Blessed by this connection and our study together.