The Natural Horoscope

This is what the natural horoscope looks like. The house numbers are in Roman numerals. Other models can include such information as the Polarity, Modality, Orientation and Element. We have intentionally chosen the simplified version in order not to create confusion. (See below.)

It’s very important to memorize these glyphs and symbols ~ you cannot read your own chart without knowing them, nor can you read anyone else’s. As we’ve said before: symbols are the language of astrology.

There exists a natural horoscope: a wheel consisting of the 10 Planets ordered in the 12 Signs and Houses they Rule. (Remembering that 2 Planets ~ Mercury and Venus ~ Rule 2 Signs and 2 Houses.) These Rulerships are always in play in any interpretation of any chart. You could say these Rulerships are the “subconscious” energies modifying any chart.

There is also a natal horoscope, a wheel also consisting of 10 Planets, 12 Signs and 12 Houses. However, the natal wheel is constructed by using the birth date, time, and place of birth of the individual for whom the natal horoscope has been cast. By using this variable data from all over the earth, the Planets and Signs create a myriad number of unique combinations, never to be repeated for roughly 26,000 years.

When the Heavenly Bodies are not in their natural Sign and/or House in the chart, the Planets function differently, adding additional energies to be considered when interpreting a horoscope. When the Signs are not in their natural House, the same can be said when interpreting a chart. You always consider the natural horoscope in any interpretation of any chart.

The natural horoscope is ordered in this way:

    • Mars ~ Aries ~ 1st House,
    • Venus ~ Taurus ~ 2nd House,
    • Mercury ~ Gemini ~ 3rd House
    • The Moon ~ Cancer ~ 4th House,
    • The Sun ~ Leo ~ 5th House,
    • Mercury ~ Virgo ~ 6th House,
    • Venus ~ Libra ~ 7th House,
    • Pluto ~ Scorpio ~ 8th House,
    • Jupiter ~ Sagittarius ~ 9th House,
    • Saturn ~ Capricorn ~ 10th House,
    • Uranus ~ Aquarius ~ 11th House, and
    • Oceana (Neptune) ~ Pisces ~ 12th House

Putting It All Together:

There are additional energies belonging to every horoscope: the Elements, Polarity, Orientation, and Modality, which when combined with the Planets, Signs, and Houses give us a more complete view of the expression of our common humanity by answering these questions:

1) What is the temperament of the energy, (Element)?;
2) Is the energy assertive or receptive, (Polarity)?;
3) What is the energy’s perspective, (Orientation)?;
4) How easily does the energy move, (Modality)?;
5) Where in our lives are these energies likely to manifest (House)?;
6) Are the energies in a relationship with other energies (Aspect)?; and
7) How slowly is the energy moving/what is the duration of its visit (Cycles)?

This is only the beginning of an extremely complicated and diverse science covering virtually every aspect of Life. The very best astrologers have been studying this science for many lifetimes.

We will cover these other energies in depth next in our study of Foundational Astrology