The Will of Power as a Magician/The Will to Build Divine Forms/The Will to Express Divinity

Master Lady Vesta

Master St. Germaine

Master Lady Hessia

Master Lord Rakoczi


The energy of this Will has as its goal the proper arrangement of all elements of any creation in space, time, sequence and cycle, so as to produce perfection, i.e., Divine forms. This leads one to conclude that the Divine Plan is forever within the context of the Will to Adapt/the Will to Evolve, (Ray 3), whereas the Divine Blueprint is free to transform to meet the immediate needs, as appropriate. (Consider this carefully for wisdom.)

No matter the shift in orientation produced by a Ray 3 Cycle, it is the function of the Will to Build Divine Forms/the Will to Express Divinity ~ through building the proper forms … coupled with Right Inteniion ~ that which will best manifest the Divine Plan and fulfill the intent of the Divine Blueprint at that exact point in the sequence and cycle. Ponder on this idea and it may produce some interesting lines of inquiry, as well as aspiration.

For the purposes of this study group, it is not enough to simply manifest … our Divine purpose is to build perfected forms and organizations that last … which implies that those forms built must necessarily be the product of rhythmic, orderly, carefully planned creationism. In order to understand one’s Creator, one must understand the act of creation as the Creator understands it. To this end, all activity aspires.

The forms and organizations built in this fashion are not simply an outer symbol for an inner reality … they Become … take on a life of their own … and can produce a work of creative activity unrelated to the originating act of those who created them. Stop and consider this for a moment. In plain English, whatever you create takes on a life of its own, develops “legs” and is able to take action independent of you ~ or your intentions and … for which you, as the creator, are responsible. Whatever eventuates from that creation’s existence is your Karma, good, bad, or indifferent. A White Magician clearly understands the consequences of manifesting by invoking and evoking the energies of the Will to Build Divine Forms/the Will to Express Divinity.

We are developing the tools and language to introduce the world to cyclical induction of thoughts by which you live a peaceful, centered life, in alignment with your Soul. This system of mind play works at the subconscious, as well as conscious, levels of Awareness. Everything we do in The Asceni Method is calculated to increase your capacity for Spirit, to energize the Divinity which already exists within you, and add to the sum of Divine creations already extant in today’s world.


Colors:  Deep Blue-Violet, Electric Blue-Violet, (Violet, White)

Key WordsSharing, serving, manifesting, creative, rhythmic, orderly, planned, careful, detailed, grounding, integrating, long lasting, enduring, established, strong, abiding, change, Violet Flame, (red and blue), purpose, broadcasting, radiating, emanating, transmitting, transmissions, arranging, sequence, cycles, ritual, ceremony, coordinating groups, group activity, Divine Plan, Divine Blueprint, organization, working with the Angels and Devas, opportunity, listener, change in perceptions, White Magician, renovate, transform, synthesizing, Right Aspiration, Right Perception, Right Action, Right Relationship, Right Rhythm, Right Timing, Power to Understand and Implement the Law, Heaven on Earth, responsible, Divinity

Associated Ray: Ray 7



Antahkarana Statement: “The Highest and Lowest Meet….”