The Will to Bridge/The Will to Grow/The Will to Harmonize

Master Lady Fortuna

Master Serapis Bey


This is the Will that produces the potential for synthesis promised on the Ray 2, through first joining the pairs of opposites and later, through creating a mental bridge from the concrete mind to the higher levels of the Divine Mind. This is the dual shadow play hinted at in the superstructure of the constellation Ursa Major and therefore fulfills its function through friction ~ by both electricity and fire.

Friction by fire produces error in need of correction through assimilation of that which burns, consequently producing transformation. Friction by electricity produces transformation through owning that which is charged and opting to experience the polarity, then mediating the two experiences into a synthesis that results in balance. We are experimenting with both types of friction in an effort to find that growth method that best produces unity through synthesis, rather than simple surrender and encapsulation.

One of the most important functions of the Will to Bridge/the Will to Harmonize is the construction of the Rainbow Bridge, called the Antahkarana in ancient texts. This is the modus by which Intuition is established and, as the Antahkarana matures, becomes a reliable method of Knowing, as it is a direct link ~ a uniting ~ with the Mind of Soul, leading to uniting with the Mind of the Monad and then, ultimately, uniting with the Universal Mind when this Bridge is completed. When these 3 Minds Unite, this ties directly to the Will to Know/the Will to Act.

As the “highest” of the four and in its position as lower than the three, the Will to Bridge is the Will most associated with music, color, the frequencies produced by both, and the relationship between them. While sound is currently the more potent of these two expressions of the Will to Bridge/the Will to Harmonize, it is also the most potentially hazardous and prone to error, given over to glamours of every stripe and, which given enough impetus, could lead to catastrophic failure in achieving access to the Soul and through Soul, the Path, the True reason behind ALL artistic endeavors. This does however, produce its own growth and transformation, though it often takes many lifetimes to reform and strike a balance that ultimately leads to success in connecting to Soul.

Through focusing on Its potential for bridging, we invoke the best the Will to Bridge/the Will to Harmonize/the Will to Grow has to offer and we begin to establish a physical link between the two major (and somewhat opposing) Realms. Contemplation is suggested.


ColorsBottle Green, Teal: Teal-Blue or Teal-Green (Yellow, Cream)

Key Words: Bridging, building, merging, blending, expansion, growth, struggle, opportunity, ​harmonizes, combines, polarity, polarities, linking, connecting, musical, artistic, intuitive, friction, electrical, fission, fusion, delights, amuses, entertaining, perceptive, the win/win, Antahkarana, Rainbow Bridge, reconcile, at-one-ment, aesthetic, refined, beautiful, numinous, maginative, creative, Grace, compromising, love of beauty, skillful living, mediation, colorful, improvisation, peace-making, spontaneity, literary, reconciling, composure, art forms, love of color, calm, smooth, careful, collected, allowing

Associated Ray: Ray 4


Antahkarana Statement: “Two Merge with One….”