The Lord of Synthesis
Master Lady Vesta
Master St. Germaine
Key Concepts: Power to Create Order; Power to Manifest; Power to Work upon the Material Plane; Power to Plan; Power to Organize; Ritualism and Ceremonialism; Power as a Magician; Power to Work with the Devas and Elementals; Power to Perfect Form; Power to Manage Detail; Keen Sense of Rhythm and Timing; Power to Coordinate Groups; Power to Understand and Implement the Law; Power to Build; Power to Renovate and Transform; Power to Synthesize.
Unskillful Key Words: rigid orderliness; formalism; crystallization; over concerned with rules, regulations and the “dead letter” of the law; rigid routinization; subservience to habit; meaningless ritualism; pompous ceremonialism; materialism; birth-earth-boundedness; intolerance of individuality; lack of originality; excessive conformity (or nonconformity); intolerance of anything new (or old); excessive perfectionism; bigotry, sectarianism; superficial judgment based upon appearances; perversion of the magical process; sex-magic; addiction to occult phenomena; spiritualism.
Associated Glamours: The glamour of magical work; the glamour of the relation of the opposites; the glamour of the subterranean powers; the glamour of that which brings together; the glamour of the physical body; the glamour of the mysterious and the secret; the glamour of sex magic; the glamour of the emerging manifested forces.
Associated Quality of Divine Will: The Will to Build Divine Forms/The Will to Express Divinity/The Will of Power as a Magician
Antahkarana Statement: “The Highest and Lowest Meet…….”
(Remember: this is the introductory information for Ray 7 and is not comprehensive or complete.)