The Universal Mind
Master Lady Nada
Master Saturn
Key Concepts: Capacity for Abstract Thinking; Capacity to Theorize and Speculate; Understanding of Relativity; Wide Views on All Abstract Questions; Capacity for Rigorous Analysis and Reasoning; an Acute and Powerful Intellect; Great Mental Fertility and Creativity; Ability to Modify and Qualify for the Sake of Accuracy in Thought; Power to Understand and Explain Complex, Woven Patterns and Trends; Great Mental Activity and Agility; Skillful Communication; the Power to Be Vocal and Render Thought into Word; Facility with Language; Power to Recognize and Think Within the Blueprint of the Divine Plan; Power to Manipulate; Ability to Plan and Strategize; Great Activity and Adaptability; Ability to Understand Economy and Be Economical; Facility for Understanding and Handling Money; Philanthropy; Executive and Business Aptitudes
Unskillful Key Words: intellectual pride; excessive criticism; vague and overly-complex thought and expression of thought; perplexity and confusion; absent-mindedness; excessive thinking without practical action; inaccuracy in practical detail; carelessness; manipulative and calculating; opportunism; deviousness; deceitfulness; untruth; chameleon-like over-adaptability; amoral materialism; hyperactivity; restlessness; wasted motion and rush; disorder and chaos; tendency to be “spread too thin;” scattered; constant preoccupation and “busyness;” cheapness.
Associated Glamours: The glamour of being busy; the glamour of cooperation with the Plan in an individual and not a group way; the glamour of active scheming; the glamour of creative work ~ without true motive; the glamour of good intentions, which are basically selfish; the glamour of “the spider at the center;” the glamour of “God in the computer;” the glamour of devious and continuous manipulation; the glamour of self-importance, from the standpoint of knowing, of efficiency.
Associated Quality of Divine Will: The Will to Evolve/The Will to Adapt/The Will to Transform
Antahkarana Statement: “Purpose Itself AM I…….”
(Remember: this is the introductory information for Ray 3 and is not comprehensive or complete.)