The 7 Divine Wills

An Overview




Divine Will Overview:

The study of the 7 Qualities of Divine Will is essential to The Asceni Method. Our work with these Qualities of Divine Will was initially based on the work of Sanaya Roman, with her Guide, Orin. We highly recommend their initial work with the Divine Will energies, which can be found on their website: Their basic  information on Divine Will is free and there are meditation courses on the Wills on CD’s which can be purchased. 

Theos has greatly expanded on the information for the Wills in their own way, emphasizing certain Qualities of each Will according to their purposes, and broadening our understanding of the energies radiated through each Will. When Theos decides we’re ready to teach another online course on Divine Will using this expanded information, we will announce it on the Forums, as well as somewhere obvious on this site.

Theos has suggested different names for all the Divine Wills and the Will to Express Divinity is no exception. Their use of different names is always a hint as to some Quality of the Divine Will they wish to emphasize in relationship to the subject at hand. Variously, Theos calls the Will to Express: the Will to Build, the Will of Right Thought, the Will of Right Speech, the Will of Right Relationship, the Will of Right Timing, the Will of Right Action, the Will of Rhythm and Order, the Will of Ceremony and Ritual. There may be others, just be aware of this as you read through the material provided here.

Before we discuss the specific Qualities of each Will, it is deeply necessary to emphasize the importance of understanding how the Wills function, both separately and in tandem. This is a complicated subject and really only applies once you have become familiar with the Qualities themselves. Part of the TAM group work is an attempt to address learning the Qualities through cyclical repetition.

Without Knowing what the Qualities can do, it’s impossible to expect you to Understand the way the Wills function and under which circumstances the Wills work best. This is a developing line of exploration for the channel and will be for each of the group members, as each of them grow in their own understandings of how the Wills function and how They affect them in a personal and in a group way. Clearly, this will take time and practice … and above all else, Awareness.

As the channel grows in the ability to bring down more complex, more profound information and, once that information is thoroughly understood, it can then be spread outward through group energy, applying it in personal and in group ways. What follows then is each group member learning ~ in their own way ~ to transmit Divine Will to and through their own lives … then applying the Understanding Divine Will brings and bringing that Understanding to fruition on the Earth Plane as a group. Ponder on this … then ask questions. Help yourselves. Help Us to help you.

A Discussion of Color and Divine Will

The following discussion on the colors associated with the Wills is not yet “solidified” and therefore subject to change … actually, likely to change. However, meditation on the following information will yield help of a personal nature for each of you. Colors, sounds, frequencies, vibration … and music … can teach ALL of you so much about the nature of the construction of this reality. Pay attention to what we’re saying here. There’s a clue and a key incorporated herein.

A separate discussion of sound and music will be done at a later time as it’s part of that more complex information we were referring to earlier.

With respect to the colors, the colors are shifting hues and it’s causing the Higher Realms to “scramble a bit,” because the frequencies have changed. It all requires Them to reconfigure the mathematics before They can proceed further along this line at this time. (Information given on 4/3/03.)

Color, (for reasons that neuroscientists are still discovering), possesses the ability to attract individual types, change preferences, and alter behavior. This makes colors profoundly transformative in their effects. Additionally, when colors are arranged in certain ways, combinations, and patterns, this affects the “fabric” of this reality through altering the thoughts of the viewer. Moreover, Souls are often affected by particular combinations of colors when receiving higher transmissions and then utilize those transmissions to transform their earthly vehicles in the same way.

(The colors listed first are Theos’ choices, the colors in parentheses are those of the Tibetan.)

[Blue is the color of the intellect, the mind, making it the color of communication … and when you think about social media, it’s all about communicating. Blue also has the perception as being trustworthy, dependable, safe and reliable. These are the perceived positive qualities of a business who chooses blue.]

[The main meaning of green is growth. That’s the meaning that comes to most people’s minds when they consider the color green. It’s one of the easiest colors for the human eye to process. When people think green, they automatically think healthy, vibrant, growing, and natural.]

[Orange is one of those colors that’s a bit dangerous. In fact, some color psychologists say that the color orange is, of all the colors, most closely associated with risk-taking. Why is it a dangerous and risky color? Scientists aren’t totally sure, but we have been trained to see certain things and think “Wait. This is a potentially dangerous situation!”]

[Red is violence, anger, and aggression, and it frequently indicates danger. Paradoxically–for a color associated with action and energy–red is universally used as the color that means “stop.” Red is used professionally to capture attention, elicit emotion, and convey confidence.]

[Yellow is the most luminous of all the colors of the spectrum. It’s the color of happiness, and optimism, of enlightenment and creativity, sunshine and spring. … Lurking in the background is the dark side of yellow: cowardice, betrayal, egoism, and madness.]

[Purple, (includes violet), and combines the calm stability of blue and the fierce energy of red. The color purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition. Purple also represents meanings of wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence, and magic.]

[White represents purity or innocence. … Some of the positive meanings that white can convey include cleanliness, freshness, simplicity, and spirituality. The color white often seems like a blank slate, symbolizing a new beginning or a fresh start. On the negative side, white can seem stark, cold, and isolated.]

There is an update on the colors included here, but no distinction yet between the exoteric and the Esoteric assignations of the colors. The significance of this distinction is, as yet, beyond most Lightworkers’ understanding. Because of this, Theos has assigned certain colors to the Rays/Wills, in specific Phases, according to their best uses. The study of the Esoteric uses of color has not yet been seriously undertaken. Therefore, there is little research that provides any true usefulness. Mainly because most researchers approach color from the perspective of hue and its place on the spectrum but not its mathematical value or its frequency.

An interesting point here is the fact that the internet has basically “forced” people to think of color in terms of its “value.” [RGB triplet or in hexadecimal format (a hex triplet)] A color is specified according to the intensity of its red, green and blue components, each represented by eight bits. Thus, there are 24 bits used to specify a web color within the sRGB gamut, and 16,777,216 colors that may be so specified.

[Note: The use of the word “power” as Theos intends it, is an active, intentful choice a Being makes about which Quality, (and which polarity of that Quality ~ skillful or unskillful), they utilize from the energy of a Ray. With respect to the Wills, power is still defined as an active, intentful choice, but as the Wills do not carry polarities, the choice is whether or not to invoke/evoke the Will or Wills and thus choosing to transmit to transform. Clearly, if the Wills are not invoked/evoked, then one is choosing to let the situation unfurl without the Grace of Divinity.]

This Study Group Is Under the Influence of the Will to Express Divinity/Ray 7:


It should probably be noted that this group has gone through many changes in participants. Theos tells us that this is normal for a group focused on a particular Will, especially Will to Express Divinity.

More than any other Will, the Will to Express Divinity demands a certain amount of commitment, patience, openness, and a willingness to follow the Law. One of the strongest Qualities of the Will to Express Divinity is the desire to obey the Law.

Some members come to learn specific things and, once learned, depart. Some are unable to maintain a commitment. Others find they cannot stay the course for their own reasons. Some cannot resonate with these teachings. For others, it was not Right Timing.

None of these people are wrong … All are welcome for however long they stay … and All gain valuable information ~ and opportunities ~ from their participation within the group. And All contribute to the energy of the group as a whole and the knowledge Theos gains from observing how we grow, what helps us grow, and how to make it easier for anyone who comes after to grow more easily. Leaving the group does not injure anyone ~ everyone leaves with Theos’ Love and Gratitude, as well as the mark of Divine Favor, for their participation and their help.

Theos constantly monitors the study group and sometimes makes energetic changes and adjustments in the collective energies of the group, or to the energetic patterns formed within the group. These patterns and energies may also require updating in our Moon Cycles study and play. Any changes Theos makes to how we participate in Moon Cycles will be uploaded to the website in a timely manner.

Because this group is part of Theos’ work on Earth, we are under the overall influence of the Will to Express Divinity and our methods will be those of the Will to Express Divinity and, of course, Ray 7. As a manifestation of the Will to Express Quality of Right Timing, Aquarius, is now the primary Sign of this astrological Age, and radiates all of the Will to Express Divinity Qualities, as well as the Ray 7 Qualities ~ both skillful and unskillful.

As a group, we utilize two formal Will to Express Divinity methods for skillfully, rhythmically and purposefully exercising the powers of Invocation and Evocation throughout each Moon Cycle:

Ceremony: Our intent for every Cycle is to begin each new Moon Cycle with a Ceremony of Celebration ~ celebrating the gifts of opportunity the new Cycle will bring and intentionally aligning all energies available towards creating our highest good. As part of our Ceremony, we perform a ritualized series of actions designed to connect to our Soul, to Invoke Divine Will, to transmit wherever It is needed, and ask for our Friends’ help during the course of the Cycle.

Ritual: The power to manifest and work upon the physical plane are both Will to Express Divinity and Ray 7 Qualities. The Way to achieve our goals is through using Ritual to manifest accurately, patiently, with care and attention to detail, so the forms created are intuited from the Divine Blueprint and fulfill their function within the Divine Plan ~ both for ourselves individually, as well as for the greater Whole. Our Rituals are designed by Theos to create our growth in perfect rhythm, order and timing, in a way that is loving to all of our inner selves.

Both Ceremony and Ritual invoke the Qualities of Divine Will through asking for Them from our Help, (our Souls, the Guides, Angels, Devas, Totem Friends ~ and at Full, from the Hierarchy, which includes the Masters and Enlightened Ones). It is our participation in the Ceremonies and Rituals which evoke the corresponding Divine Will energies from within us. The Divine Will energies are multiplied exponentially by invoking and evoking them, which creates an electro-magnetic vortex of energies which must flow out from us … because of the Love. We then radiate those Divine Will energies outwardly ~ in all directions ~ to All.

During the Full Phase, we add The Lord’s Prayer to our daily ceremony and to our Full Moon ritual. Here are the links to both the exoteric and the Esoteric versions found under The Asceni Method, Full Moon Cycle information.