Rings of Knowing

These Rings are another facet of Fohat ~ they are shaped in such a way as to bring complete information on any given subject or issue, but especially about your life purpose. This information is more developed, more complete, than the lightening fast “hits” of insight, revelation, or inspiration.

Many Rings of Knowing are sent to you during any one moment of reception, each one carrying packets of information. Ask for just the right amount of new consciousness and awareness for your highest good right now.

Calling the Rings of Knowing to you will bring you more awareness of goals which reflect the Divine Blueprint of your life. Goals that are in alignment with the higher purpose of your life.

The Rings of Knowing will take the energy out of goals that are not in alignment with the goals and motives of your Soul.

As you connect, especially when calling down the Rings of Knowing, you are attuning yourself to the Divine Plan, both for Humanity and for you, personally. A main function of the Rings of Knowing is an alignment with your Divine Blueprint and life purpose. You carry this information about your life’s purpose in your Etheric Body, (your aura), and it is activated through contact with Divine Energy.

The old expression that “you can’t take it with you when you go” stems from knowing that the things of this world stay in this world … but the spark of consciousness you embody enters the Kingdom of Souls upon the death of the physical form. Your consciousness: the Light and Love you have created, are the “gems and jewels” of this lifetime, accruing to yourSelf as Soul … while everything else remains in this reality. When you know this to be True, you realize expanding your consciousness, having new insights, understandings, new perspectives, and especially Awareness, are the most important issues to focus upon while you are living an earth life.

Then comes the realization that every activity you do offers you the opportunity to expand and initiate new consciousness.

As you orient toward Spirit, you redesign your life so that the way you do every activity expresses a quality of consciousness that is of value to your Soul and serves the greater Whole of which you are a part. (Remember: You stand for Humanity.)

Spiritual growth is a graduated set of expansions of consciousness, of revelations, of new insights and awareness that link you with the greater Whole of which you are a part. Spiritual growth brings you into alignment with the goals and motives of your Soul and a greater sense of your purpose for this lifetime. It reveals your dharma in stages, as you are ready to receive this information.