The Asceni Method

(Essential Moon Cycles, continued)

Two Ways to Personally Interact With and/or Direct Energy Through the Phases:


As we move through the Moon Cycle as individuals, we have two major ways of personally interacting with/directing energy in conjunction with our goals and intents:

Invocation: Calling the energies of Divine Will, the Heavenly Bodies, the Sign on the cusp of each Phase, and the qualities of our Totem Friends to us. Adding to that mix by calling Soul’s energy to us through Soul-alignment and visualization ~ using the powers of symbology and your imagination ~ understanding that symbols are the language of Soul and imagination opens the door to Intuition, which Theos defines as direct knowing from Soul.

Astrology is a Soul language. One can understand a person’s natal chart ~ and therefore their basic nature ~ without seeing a single word on their wheel. Reading a chart isn’t just a question of reading the symbols though, for one must also have Intuition to truly understand what is written in their stars.

You may also invoke these energies through the use of Mantras or Affirmations, (using the power of the spoken word ~ and the power of repetition ~ to create what is desired … and, with Mantras, you are riding the wave of literally thousands of years of energizing, by those who are reaching upward for help … raising their voices to praise … humbly thankful for all that’s been received. Prayer, (using the power of humility to “inherit the earth” by asking for help from those Beings Who hold us within Their auras of awareness). Invocation is also drawing all of these energies from everywhere around you.

Evocation: Part of our earthly inheritance, (and karma), from Soul comes to us through our Genealogy, Astrology and Rayology.

Intricately threaded through your Genealogy, whether apparent or not, is the irresistible desire to seek your Soul. Whatever else the Genealogy offered, it was this irresistible urge which Soul valued above all else. A rare and precious jewel: the Rightly-Directed desire exists within you. You tap into this Rightly-Directed desire each time you evoke Divine Will from within yourself in your spiritual practice.

Your Astrology was also carefully crafted with dedication and a vast knowledge of both the science and the art. Seek to know where in your Astrology the urge/desire to find Spirit lives within your blueprint, your natal chart. Use that knowledge to expand in all ways spiritual. Recognize that because of its Cyclical nature, Astrology offers the personality virtually unlimited opportunities to grow and evolve. When you Know what energies in your natal map demonstrate your spiritual nature, you can easily call them forth ~ in Right Timing ~ and they are yours to command in your spiritual practice.

Your Rayology is your most direct gift from Soul. In choosing your Ray bodies, your Soul had unrestricted choices. Taken directly from Soul’s own body, the choice of Ray was intended to help you fulfill Soul’s goals for this lifetime, each body bringing to you the exact type of help your personality needs to become Fully-Soul Expressed. And within your Ray bodies are the Divine Wills associated with each Ray. When you evoke the energies of Divine Will from within you, you strengthen your Ray bodies and further ensure their help while walking your Path.

Through this sacred triplicity of Genealogy, Astrology, and Rayology your ability to evoke Divine Will is made manifest easily and effortlessly. These are the gifts we received at birth from our Soul to be used to advantage in this lifetime.

There is also a Spark of Divinity within us all, given to every creature ~ both under the Heavens and within Them. Within this Spark of Divinity is the Word and the Word is God made manifest. Each time we evoke Divine Will from within us, we are manifesting Divinity here on Earth … and anchoring it here. (You stand for Humanity.)

When we evoke these energies … the energies of Divine Will … we are consciously, purposefully, finding the energy of the Divine within us. We are turning the Light of our Awareness toward the recognition that the Will to Act Divinely already exists within us.