The Asceni Method

(Essential Moon Cycles, continued)

The Group Work:


Beginning with Soul-Alignment, Moon Cycles combine the most potent Energies we can contact ~ the 7 Qualities of Divine Will ~ with the rhythm and order inherent in the Cycles of our Moon. This work includes collaborating with the Animal, Plant and Mineral Kingdoms through personal Totem Friends; understanding basic Astrology; learning the skillful ~ and unskillful ~ characteristics of the 10 mighty Beings in our solar system, as well as the help They can offer us on a cyclical basis.

The study of Moon Cycles is a Will to Express Divinity/Will to Build Divine Forms creation: it was created patiently, with care and attention to detail ~ as well as decades of practice and meticulous revision. Moon Cycles provide the means to rhythmic, orderly change in your beliefs, attitudes, thoughts and emotions ~ the 4 foundational energies of conscious, intentional manifestation ~ and consequently cause you to make higher, finer choices and decisions … which, in turn, lead to more loving and accurate manifestations. Remembering: You manifest your entire life. Every. Single. Thing. Person. Event. ALL OF IT.

Transmission of the 7 Qualities of Divine Will in synchronicity with the Moon’s Phases is one way to grow in rhythm and right timing with the natural progression of Astrological energies as they impact our planet through the Cycles of the Moon. In essence, we are attempting to skillfully use the energies of our mental bodies to transform individually and to build a group manifestation of new thoughts and visions for the planet, as a whole.

It is not necessary to have complete group unity in thought or emotions … rather, the diversity within the group as to consciousness type, attitudinal approach, and emotional tone, is not only necessary, but essential to building a unified multi-path to Christ Consciousness.

One of the ways in which we accomplish this is through the energizing of higher thoughts, with exercises like Energize This!, which lead to more loving emotions, and ultimately move the evolutionary needle that much farther forward. Another way includes practices such as chanting Mantras or singing Kirtan, which train the mind to think higher thoughts and evolves the emotions those thoughts engender. There is a special connection between our minds and music, one which science is only beginning to understand, but which has been part of the Ancient Wisdom for as long as there have been humans living on this planet. Parts of The Asceni Method also include artistic activities, like construction of our Moon Wheels or coloring mandalas, remembering that the purpose of art, as noted elsewhere, is Soul Contact. The Asceni Method takes a well-rounded approach to personal transformation through Audio and Visual learning practices.

The Asceni Method does not include the unskillful use of any personal energies, especially from one’s Moon life. Surmounting one’s Moon life, is an essential part of every individual’s spiritual growth. Use of Moon Cycles, as opposed to Sign Cycles, signals those Forces and Energies Who are also building this multi-path, of the desire for more rapid transformation and inclusion in the process. By including Representatives from the 4 Lower Kingdoms, we are also integrating Earth bound consciousness into this Cycle of transformation.

In this new effort, more will be asked of individual participants in the areas transformation of thoughts and emotions ~ a greater commitment to persevering in tracking individual thoughts and emotions with the objective of transformation through inclusion and forgiveness, in addition to simple changes in perspective and attitude, which was the partial goal of the first attempt.

Once certain levels of transformation have been reached, the unity of the group will be focused on creating reality shifts in mass consciousness towards Christ Consciousness. Without proper foundational shifts, these changes could as easily create mass destruction as they could mass evolution.

The group will also be given opportunities to experience alternate realities prior to instituting certain changes that would bring these alternate realities closer to existing in the current paradigm. Emphasis on Ritual and Ceremony will be cyclical and an important part of the work being done as a group.

This will necessitate certain compromises within the group dynamics, leading to a greater ability to cooperate and harmonize with prevailing energy currents on the planet itself. The compromises will be centered on the highest good for All, rather than on individual higher good ~ a much needed energy now for the planet and ALL its inhabitants. Without learning and grounding the energies of compromise for the Greater Good, establishing any type of unified approach to Christ Consciousness would be virtually impossible.