The Asceni Method
Essential Moon Cycles
When the Sun and Moon are aligned on the same side of the Earth, the Moon is “new,” and the side of the Moon facing Earth is not yet illuminated by the Sun. All is dark, in a state of anticipation, awaiting the dawn of light and the illumination which follows.
The side opposite the Earth is never seen from Earth, an Esoteric meaning hidden in its perpetual darkness and mystery. Meditation on this Truth may yield valuable insight.
The Moon would have no Phases without the light of the Sun. A waxing Moon means the light of the Sun on the Moon’s surface is slowly increasing. Conversely, a waning Moon means the light of the Sun on the Moon’s surface is slowly decreasing. The interplay between the Moon and the Sun manifests in 7 distinctly visible Phases: Crescent, 1st Quarter, Gibbous, Full, Disseminating, 3rd Quarter and Balsamic. Each Phase has its own distinctive energy, deriving from the positions of the Moon and Sun.
Two Phases: New and Balsamic, are mainly without sunlight to define them. They are the Alpha and Omega of the Moon’s Cycle. Yet, only heightened senses are able to tell the energetic difference between the end of Balsamic and the beginning of New. So, perhaps more like the Ouroboros.
In every Phase, it is the Moon’s relationship to the Sun which determines the underlying energies inherent in that Phase. The energies are described by the aspects they form at the beginning of each Phase during the Moon’s journey around the Earth. This pattern of aspects is repeated over and over, in every Moon Cycle, with only the Signs on the cusp of each Phase changing throughout the Lunar Year.
This ancient pattern of aspects is as old as the Moon, itself. Its appearance in the skies around the Earth symbolized the rise of the human species and the development of thought … and from that thought came emotion. An opportunity was born and this Earth became a “place” Souls visited to learn and grow. They visit still…….
As mentioned previously, The Asceni Method utilizes the energy of the Moon’s Phases, combined with a specific quality of Divine Will, and the combined energetic help of 3 Totem Friends, representing the 3 lower Kingdoms: Animal, Plant, and Mineral. It is cognitive restructuring over and over, in a repeating manner, until a conscious shift in the orientation of the thoughts occurs.