The Asceni Method

(Essential Moon Cycles, continued)

1st Quarter:

The flaming bridge leads into the Void … and disappears. Then … the flame emerges … changed … burning ever brighter

The Sun and Moon are squared at the moment of First Quarter.

The Sun and Moon are at odds in this configuration: the Sun illumines what the Moon does not want to see. A square brings the gift of objective Awareness and does not let you rest until problems are either accepted or evolved. Now the attempt to transcend the effects of this square provides the necessary energetic “push” for personal evolution. You are able to clearly see your attitudes and beliefs … and your overall orientation to life. You begin to understand why your life looks the way it does ~ how your orientation and attitudes have deftly shaped the reality you wish to change.

This Phase is also about finding the inner personas and linking them and/or bridging them to your conscious mind where choice can be made. This does, of course, require that you own these personas, along with the thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and attitudes they express.

First Quarter may be experienced as areas of tension in the body and the mind. (Belly) You might find yourself arguing with your inner self or worrying. You may find your jaw, neck, or shoulders feeling tight or knotted. These are definitely manifestations of Ray 3.

It is the time in the Cycle to take the initial action necessary to achieve your goal by clearly ~ and verbally ~ expressing what you require … and what you desire. For those consciously on the Path, the energies of the Will to Adapt/Will to Evolve are focused in the throat, the higher creative center/chakra. Make phone calls. Write letters. Talk it out. Journal. Stoke your creativity and find innovative ways to release the pent up energy of this Phase.

Go into the Void … allow all your old thoughts, feelings and emotional blocks to simply fall away into the Void, imagining them being healed and transformed as they fall. Enter the Void to accelerate your growth, to remove old obstacles, to make room for the new ideas, goals and motives of your Soul. Make the Void your friend and learn how to enter the Void at will. This relates to the color black Theos has assigned to the Will to Adapt/Will to Evolve.

Now utilize the energy of the Will to Evolve to shift your view of yourself and your world ~ tap into the Universal Mind to understand how you have created your blocks and stoppers. Go deep within to create new forms that match your higher vibration. Get focused. Use the progressive energy of the Will to Evolve, along with the uplifting, positive energy of Jupiter to adjust your expectations ~ step into the Flow. This relates to the orange-gold energy Theos also assigned to the Will to Evolve.

The challenge is Objectivity.

(To see yourself as you truly are.)