The Asceni Method
(Essential Moon Cycles, continued)
Phases of the Moon:
Theos would like to point out that the Phase energies don’t actually start until the moment the Aspect/angle becomes perfected ~ meaning when the angle formed by the Sun and Moon is exact, sometimes called a partile aspect.
But that does not mean you will not be affected by the energies until the angle is perfected. On the contrary, you may “preview” the energies before the Aspect/angle is perfected and you may also experience “after-effects” even though the Phase has ended and a new Phase has begun. The “good news” here is that these kinds of extra-Phase energetic affects are not usually experienced before you’ve developed your Awareness and the ability to discern the effects of one energy from another.
Considering that there are several triplicities of energies running in any given moment, it is easy to mistake the effects of one possible source from another. Clear understanding and memorization of Qualities and characteristics is vitally helpful. Otherwise, confusion will ensue. Take the time to really help yourself by setting aside time to review and memorize. You are all perfectly capable of memorizing such helpful information. (Hint: the more you use your mind and its memorization and storage capabilities for Good ~ and truly useful, helpful information ~ the greater your capacity to do so increases … and the more inner Peace you will experience and the greater your capacity for Joy will be. [Clue: Mind chitta drives the train of anxiety and agitation.])
Each Phase represents a specific type or kind of energy, which produces responses in the human psyche and the body. This portion of the Cycles information is meant to be the “background” information to help you understand the inherent energies of the Phases, without the additional considerations of the Sign energy on the cusp or the energy of any Planets in that Phase.
As yet, Theos has not collected enough information on the general impact of the inherent Phase energies on our physical and mental bodies ~ and through the effect on our mental bodies, the impact on our emotional bodies, as well. They ask that we pay close attention to the state of our mental, emotional, and physical bodies at the start of, and during, each Phase. Then, take notes you can make available to the group, anonymously if desired, in order for Theos to better understand the energies’ affect on our various bodies.
The Sign on the cusp of the Phase “shapes” the energies of the Phase in such a way that it could be said to be a container for the energies. The Sign on the cusp of the Phase can also “set the mood” for the Phase depending on how that particular Sign affects you on an energetic level. Meditate on this for greater understanding of what these ideas mean.
At the beginning of each Phase, Theos has given us an Esoteric statement, (in italics), to indicate a deeper Truth about the Phase ~ and which contain hints and clues as to how each Phase functions in relationship to one another. There is a progression to the statements and that, too, contains hints and clues for our edification.