Crescent Phase:

Will to Bridge/Will to Harmonize/Will to Grow/Ray 4/Moon
Bottle Green or Teal, either Teal-Blue [High Heart] or Teal-Green [Heart Chakra]

The Aspect between the Sun and Moon is the Semi-Sextile

“I GROW” (through Intuition and the ensuing new perceptions)

This is a Phase of growth through struggle and crisis ~ eventually we learn to blend, bridge and Harmonize so that the energies create a “Win/Win” situation for everyone concerned. Initially, we struggle against our blocks and with our urge to cling to the old patterns and ways of being.

Invoking Will to Harmonize can initially produce friction between those parts of ourselves that are fighting positive change ~ and friction produces heat and electricity, which we often experience as anger, frustration, feeling thwarted, etc. and that can produce resentment, fighting, resignation, depression, etc. ~ in other words: struggle … followed by crisis because now we see ourselves as we really are … and we’re inclined to fight that, too.

As we invoke and evoke the energies of this Will/Phase, we begin to see how we can use the energies present more skillfully to accomplish our purpose and manifest our intents for the Cycle. As our connection to Soul increases, so does our Intuition. (Theos defines Intuition as Direct Knowing from Soul ~ it is not precognition or future-oriented predictions.) Harmonizing with Soul is the “oil” we use to stop our internal “gears” from grinding and ultimately breaking.

Throughout the Cycle we are now choosing one Quality from the Will to Be/Will to Initiate to facilitate the Phase … a Quality you feel will help you the most with your intention for this Phase. Combine the energy of the Semi-Sextile with the energy of the Sign on the cusp, along with the energy of the Moon, to help with your focus for this Phase. Spend time during the Phase to explore these energies. How do they feel to you? Do they combine easily? If they don’t feel smooth or easily combined, how do they feel? Awareness is key to understanding how you are affected by this Phase and the energies contained within it.

Which Qualities from your Totem Friends can you choose to make this Phase better? What Qualities can you choose to bring more harmony, more cooperation, a greater feeling sense of connection, an increased capacity for the win/win outcome, or simply less friction throughout this Phase?

Considering your intents for the Cycle ~ and all you have discovered about the combined energies of the Phase ~ which Animal, Plant and Mineral Friends among your Totem Friends do you feel can best help you incorporate these changes?