Balsamic Phase

Will to Initiate/Will to Be/Will to End/Ray 1/Pluto
Brick Red or Grey or Silver [Root Chakra]

The Aspect between the Sun and the Moon is the Sextile

“I DIE” (that I may be born aNew)

During Balsamic, we focus on releasing all that needs to be released so that we are “empty” and ready for the coming Cycle. We spend the first day reviewing our growth and completing the process of integration.

Next, we decide for ourselves which of the 4 energies will be the most helpful to our releasing, and we spend the final day(s) resting and opening up to the new flow of the next Cycle. We wait for our new beginning.


(Remember, the name of each energy is a link to more information.)

Throughout the Cycle we are now choosing one Quality from the Will to Be/Will to Initiate/Will to End to facilitate the Phase … a Quality you feel will help you the most with your intention for this Phase and Cycle. Combine the energy of the Sextile with the energy of the Sign on the cusp, along with the energy of Pluto, to help with your focus for this Phase.

Spend time during the Phase to explore these energies. How do they feel to you? Do they combine easily? If they don’t feel smooth or easily combined, how do they feel? Awareness is key to understanding how you are affected by this Phase and the energies contained within it.

Considering your intents for the Cycle ~ and all you have discovered about the combined energies of the Phase ~ which Qualities from your Totem Friends can you choose to make this Phase even better? A more effective review, a deeper integration of what you’ve learned, greater ease in releasing, a more complete rest?

Fohat ~ Visualize Fohat gently striking your crown chakra and Its energy infusing all your forms and fields with Its power to release with ease.


Rings of Knowing ~ Donut-shaped rings of light in varying sizes, this is the energy to invoke for more information about how to easily and effortlessly let go of old patterns and habits.


Sword of Truth~ The Sword of Truth now helps us to integrate the Truths we have learned during the Cycle and again, we signal Soul-Self that we are ready to destroy and/or release, (healed and transformed), the old ways of being.


Flames of Purification ~ The Violet Flames are the energy that releases old mental patterns and habits, thereby making room for new ways of thinking and of being. These are the flames that do not burn, yet flame eternal, always available to release the Elementals from their bondage, liberating our minds and hearts of that which blocks our highest good.

Like the phoenix, we rise from the ashes of Balsamic to be born aNew in the next Cycle.