Introduction to the 7 Rays

An Overview




The Qualities of the 7 Rays ~ It’s In The Stars:


Esoterically, the Seven Rays ~ and the Seven Qualities of Divine Will that reside upon them ~ are in current manifestation as the constellation Ursa Major, (the Great Bear), and more commonly known as the Big Dipper, the Plough, The Saptarishi, (the Seven Rishis), and other names.

We offer here, for the purpose of exploration and consideration, the following assignation of the Rays to the stars in the constellation:

Ray 1 = Dubhe
Ray 2 = Merak
Ray 3 = Phecda
Ray 4 = Mizar (binary with Alcor, its counterpart, but they move together)
Ray 5 = Alioth
Ray 6 = Megrez
Ray 7 = Alkaid (Benetnasch)

All the Rays exhibit certain “Qualities” or characteristics, depending on whether the energies are higher or lower in their expression. For our purposes, we use “Quality” to refer to those higher, more desirable energies and “characteristics” to refer to the lower, less desirable energies. There are 3 Rays of Aspect and 4 Rays of Attribute. The 4 Rays of Attribute, which manifest through the 3rd Ray of Aspect, produce certain Qualities in greater detail and emphasis than those Qualities have under the Rays of Aspect. (Please see the Glossary for explanations of these terms as they apply to our study here.) 


About the Rays of Aspect:


Generally, the three Rays of Aspect find their primary expression in relation to mankind through the medium of three periodical vehicles. These are the Personality, the Soul, and the Monad:

Ray 1: Power Life Ideas The Monad
Ray 2: Love-Wisdom Consciousness Ideals The Soul
Ray 3: Active Intelligence Appearance Idols The Personality

They find their secondary expression in the three bodies which form the Personality:

Ray 1: Power Mental Body Ideas Purpose.  Life
Ray 2: Love Emotional/Astral Body
Ideals Quality
Ray 3: Intelligence Physical Body
Idols Form

Ray 1: Life in this reality is composed of the focused thought ~ held by Soul ~ that you exist here. The Purpose of this Life is to learn about the Power of Ideas … and their ability to change anything.

In fact, ideas are the only way to change anything.

Ray 2: To wholeheartedly embody the idea that purely expressing Love is the purpose of your Emotional/Astral Body … and through the expression of this Quality ~ Love ~ ALL of Life is transformed.

Ray 3: By the time the Ideas and Ideals for each of the Rays have reached the physical plane, they have become Idols, even in the minds of the more intelligent of the race. In this respect, Idols are crystallized and motionless, unchanging thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and attitudes … and these Idols sit in your subconscious mind and continually direct your thoughts towards themselves. You find yourself caught in attempting to hew to these Idols ~ which are often seen as eternal and unending ~ when, in fact, they are just Ideas that became crystallized over time and now may have lost all meaning or relevance to a spiritual life, if they ever had any.

These Idols often take root in the physical form and become lodged in the cells and atoms, wreaking havoc with one’s health when these Idols involve the function and/or health of the physical form. It’s important to remember that the body’s main purpose is to provide a vehicle for incarnation, but its secondary purpose is to inform your Personality about the contents of your thoughts. This is why it is so important to listen to your body and understand what the messages mean. This is also the primary reason that Ray 5/Will to Act is such an important ally in any healing process.


About the Rays of Attribute:


The Rays of Attribute, though expressing themselves equally on all the planes, and through the periodical vehicles, and the three aspects of the Personality, generally find their main expression through one or other of the four Kingdoms in nature as indicated in the following table:

Ray 4: Harmony through Conflict 4th Kingdom Human. The Balance
Ray 5: Concrete Knowledge 3rd Kingdom Animal
Ray 6: Devotion 2nd Kingdom Plant
Ray 7: Ceremonial Ritual 1st Kingdom Mineral

These are their main fields of influence in the three worlds. In relation to mankind, these four Rays of Attribute find a wide expression in connection with the four aspects of the Personality. That relationship is as follows:

Ray 4: Harmony through Conflict physical body
Ray 5: Concrete Knowledge Etheric body
Ray 6: Devotion emotional/astral body
Ray 7: Organization mental body

It should go without saying that the integration of the information given here will lead to many insights into your own behavior and how you are affected on many different levels from the emanations of the Rays. Study is strongly suggested.