I Will to Initiate a new consciousness within myself

that I might Unify myself with everyone and everything

thereby helping all of life to Evolve

to the next level of HARMONY, beauty and grace

through the Act of my clear loving thoughts

which Cause me to take action in ways

that Express the Divinity of All That Is…….


The Will to Harmonize is a bridge between the lower and higher worlds, between the Wills of Aspect and the Wills of Attribute, and the planes of consciousness they link. Three Qualities of Divine Will are higher ~ closer ~ to the realms of pure God-Consciousness, The Will to Initiate, the Will to Unify, and the Will to Evolve, and three Qualities that are lower ~ closer ~ to the physical world, the Will to Act, the Will to Cause, and the Will to Express.

Because it is a bridge between the lower and higher worlds, you can connect with the Will to Bridge to reach higher planes of consciousness and align yourself with those planes. You can make this alignment without the Will to Harmonize, but working with this Will assists you in coming into more complete alignment and harmony with the higher energies you contact.

This Great Life is also called the Will of Harmony through Conflict, the Will to Bridge, the Will to Grow, the Lord of Beauty and Art, and the Divine Intermediary. The ability to make peace and to balance energy are Qualities contained on this Will.

The ability to create harmony through conflict may seem an unusual ~ perhaps even undesirable ~ Quality … but it is an important Quality of this Will. When you are first starting out on your Path, this Will can assist you in growing spiritually and psychologically ~ even through constant struggle and crisis ~ which is often the case when beginning your journey to wholeness. The Will to Grow through struggle and crisis is a much needed ally when you are on the Path.

The Will to Harmonize also brings energies from the higher dimensions down into the physical world. Its energy of wholeness and harmony can reach into the densest levels of matter, helping all life ~ at every level of evolution ~ to expand in consciousness and to realize their Divinity and beauty. The Quality of Grace resides on the Will to Bridge and brings to our lives a much-needed space in which we are given the opportunity to move into greater wholeness without judgment or criticism.

The Qualities of a strong imagination and intuition are both carried within the emanations/radiations of the Will to Bridge/Will to Grow. It is our imagination that opens our mental link with Soul … and once the link is purposefully established, intuition ensues. Theos defines intuition as “Direct Knowing from Soul ~ it is not precognition or future-oriented predictions.”

By also calling this the Will to Bridge, Theos is asking us to remember that this is the Divine Will that constitutes the Rainbow Bridge, also called in ancient Sanskrit the Antahkarana. It is the Antahkarana that is our connection to Soul, to Monad, and ultimately to the Universal Mind. Through this connection we can reach the highest levels of Spirit.

Another wonderful Quality of the Will to Harmonize brings the “win/win” resolution to disputes and disagreements. Transmitting the Will to Harmonize in situations where consensus or a peaceful resolution is required ~ with no winners or losers ~ often brings innovative solutions that give everyone involved a measure of satisfaction in the final outcome.

(Remember: this is the introductory information for the Will to Harmonize and is not comprehensive or complete.)

Carried on Ray 4 ~ associated with the colors bottle green and teal (teal-blue or teal-green)