I Will to Initiate a new consciousness within myself

that I might Unify myself with everyone and everything

thereby helping all of life to Evolve

to the next level of Harmony, beauty and grace

through the Act of my clear loving thoughts

which Cause me to take action in ways

that EXPRESS the DIVINITY of All That Is…….

In one definite sense, the Will to Express Divinity is a synthesis of the energies from the other six Wills because it is the Will which manifests All That Is. Also called the Will to Build Divine Forms, It pours forth the energy which stimulates the creation of forms, structures, and organizations that express Divine Ideals and the Divine Plan for each person … and for humanity, as a group. This Quality of Divine Will brings Spirit and matter together … Its role is to bring into manifestation perfect forms which express the beauty and light of Divinity.

Under this Divine Will, manifesting is not done through wishing and dreaming, but through planning, organizing, and taking those practical, common sense steps that are indicated, with a clear mind, (Will to Act), and through the power of pure motives, (Will to Cause). You might think of the Great One who radiates the Will to Express Divinity as the Custodian for certain Qualities such as strength, perseverance, courage, self-reliance, steadfastness, care and attention to details, and precision in creating forms. Whenever you connect with this Great One, calling for Its energy and blending with Its consciousness, you will find these Qualities becoming more and more a part of who you are.

The Will to Express Divinity assists you in blending and becoming one with your Soul. The words of power for this Will are “The Highest and Lowest Meet.” It assists you, as Soul-Self, in bringing your unlimited light, spiritual power, joy, wisdom, and Love to the personality self. This is the Will of Right Relationship, Right Timing, Right Action, Right Expression, and Right Perception, among other important Qualities. This Divine Will assists you in creating forms, circumstances, and relationships that reflect the ideals of your Soul, ultimately manifesting heaven on earth.

The Will to Build Divine Forms brings you ~ as a Shepherd of the 3 lower Kingdoms, (Mineral, Plant, and Animal) ~ the opportunity to work with the Angels, Devas, Directors, and Elementals who co-create those Kingdoms … who inhabit them … organize them … coordinate them, and cooperate with each other. Through your conscious connection with these Beings, and through invoking and evoking the many fine Qualities of the Will to Express Divinity, you help bring about more perfect ~ more Divine ~ forms in all the lower Kingdoms.

The Will to Express Divinity is about creating forms and organizations that last. The groups formed under the aegis of this Will are those with longevity and having a focus on bringing about a higher, more refined social order. Group work is governed by rhythm, order, and right timing, incorporating those principles and structures which support the Divine Plan for this planet. It is through the Ray 7, Will to Express Divinity, Aquarius energy that humanity will finally Know peace, joy, prosperity, and Unity in Diversity.

The Violet Flame is carried on the Will to Express Divinity … It is a gift to humanity, offered through and the essence of, the Seventh Ray. The color violet has long been associated with spirituality and is the highest frequency in the visible light spectrum. The Violet Flame can assist in the transition to a higher octave of light, as well as help you heal virtually any area of your life.

(Remember: this is the introductory information for the Will to Express Divinity and is not comprehensive or complete.)

Carried on Ray 7 ~ associated with the colors electric blue-violet and deep blue-violet.