Please keep in mind, that NONE of the information included in Foundational Astrology is comprehensive or complete.



Symbol:           The Archer [and the Centaur]

Glyph:              The Arrow pointing to Source, bisected to

represent the dual nature of instinct and intellect

Element:          Fire

Polarity:           Yang

Modality:         Mutable

Orientation:     Transpersonal

Wills/Rays:      2, 3, 4, and 6 (The Constellation Sagittarius

distributes Ray 4 and Ray 6.)


Relates to Jupiter and the 9th House

The Rulers of the Sign of Sagittarius are Jupiter, (exoteric), the Earth, (Esoteric), and Mars, (Hierarchical).


Core Meaning: “I Expand”



Key Phrase:     “My need to explore and expand the horizons of my mind and world. Or “I identify myself with my goals.”

Key Concepts:

Sagittarius is the sign in the Zodiac representing the Centaur … half man and half horse which makes the energies of Sagittarius dual in nature … One half represents reason and the higher mind … the other half symbolizes the instinctual which rules the lower nature … The big problem for Sagittarius is: which one will rule their life?

The wild side of Sagittarius is a passionate love of freedom … yet the principled side requires discipline and learning. Optimism is a classic quality of this Sign ruled by Jupiter … wonderful opportunities may come to those born under this influence. The Arrow glyph of Sagittarius is divided in two by a line on the lower portion of the shaft signifying the duality inherent in the sign and indicates that Sagittarius often has difficulty in aiming its great physical and mental abilities toward a selected goal.

Sagittarius sends out their thoughts in all directions and impregnates society with their latitude of vision and wide scope of understanding. Sagittarius embodies the principle of social migration and the love of exploration. No matter how far-flung the goal, the energy of Sagittarius can be focused upon a single point so that the individual can combine the dual forces within to meet it.

Sagittarius on the intellectual plane represents the union of Church and State through the organizing power of the mind. The higher qualities of the Sagittarian nature allows society to create civil, legal, and theological codes of behavior for the masses to follow. Sagittarius is the moral foundation upon which civilization in its truest form, (represented by Capricorn), can be based. On the spiritual plane, Sagittarius is the arrow of aspiration which is released by the Soul into infinity; its target is the Source of All.

Sagittarians overindulge in all their appetites, not the least of which is the amount of food they consume. Aided by the energies of their ruler, Jupiter, Sagittarians find themselves expanding from their indulgences, with ample hips, thighs and buttocks. They also often possess an abundant head of hair, which if allowed to grow long, can become wild, electric and untamable.

Sagittarius on the intellectual plane represents the union of Church and State through the organizing power of the mind. The higher qualities of the Sagittarian nature allows society to create civil, legal, and theological codes of behavior for the masses to follow. Sagittarius is the moral foundation upon which civilization in its truest form, (represented by Capricorn), can be based. On the spiritual plane, Sagittarius is the arrow of aspiration which is released by the Soul into infinity; its target is the Source of All.

Sagittarians overindulge in all their appetites, not the least of which is the amount of food they consume. Aided by the energies of their ruler, Jupiter, Sagittarians find themselves expanding from their indulgences, with ample hips, thighs and buttocks. They also often possess an abundant head of hair, which if allowed to grow long, can become wild, electric and untamable.

Restless energy abounds in Sagittarius, so athletic action and travel are first on their list of fun things to do. Emotionally, Sagittarians can have dark moments making them hard to pin down, but the energy changes quickly and then its on to the next goal … these people are considered the “hypocrites of the zodiac” having a “do as I say, not as I do” attitude … eagerly telling anyone and everyone how to live their lives, according to the wisdom of Sagittarius.

Individuals born under the sign of Sagittarius are often endowed with the higher, creative mind, as well as the physical power of the horse to carry out and build upon their creative ideas. Ruled by Jupiter, with its Latin name of Jove, Sagittarius people are frequently jovial and buoyant personalities who can glide over the minor annoyances of life because they are only concerned with larger issues and will not stoop to consider petty details. This can also lead to difficulties with those to whom some of those “petty details” are a major factor in their lives.

But Sagittarians still expect everyone to be as glib, light, and candid as they are and some of their greatest “blunders” involve a lack of empathy and an overeager enthusiasm. They cannot keep a secret nor do they hold themselves back from any kind of self-expression. They are bold and outspoken, sometimes causing acute embarrassment to those around them.

Spain is the country most associated with Sagittarius and the Inquisition was the embodiment of the unskillful aspect of the Sagittarian thinking process. In their eyes, maintaining a strong and powerful Church served and preserved the fabric of society.

The constellation Sagittarius points to a giant black hole, (the Void?), in the galactic center, symbolizing the need to go within in order to grow spiritually. The galactic center in one’s chart ~ by House position ~ points to where your freedom and Truth are programmed into your chart. Click here for a link to an article about the galactic center and the Houses of the chart.

Planets in Sagittarius may feel as if they are constantly stimulated mentally and physically … giving a restless edge to Mercury, Mars and Uranus in this sign … Saturn in Sagittarius tends to check the restlessness of the energy … Venus in Sagittarius has a reputation for avoiding emotionally binding relationships. In the Zodiac, Sagittarius symbolizes the challenge to raise our understanding of ourselves (our human and animal natures) where the goal aims for wisdom and truth.

Land Areas ruled by Sagittarius:

Hungary, Spain, parts of Croatia, (Dalmatia), the Czech Republic, (Moravia), parts of France, (Provence), and Madagascar


Avignon, Cologne, Toledo, Stuttgart, Budapest, York, and Nottingham

Plants ruled by Sagittarius:

Wood betony, featherfew, agrimony, and mallows

Stones and Gems ruled by Sagittarius:

Turquoise, amethyst, topaz, hyacinth, carbuncle, and all stones mixed with red and green

Parts of the Body Ruled by Sagittarius:

Hips, thighs, pelvis, sacrum, liver and gallbladder

Sagittarius on the Wheel:

Ordinary:   And the Word said: “Let food be sought.”

Reversed“I see the goal, I reach the goal and see another.”

Sagittarius ~ on the Path:

Undeveloped: Self-centeredness; Experimental approach
Advanced: One-pointedness; Direct approach
Disciple/Initiate: The Director of men; the Controller of the Gate



Sagittarius from an Occult Standpoint:

The arrow of aspiration leaves: “I receive the returning arrow of intuition.”

Unskillful Qualities:

Condescending, pompous, head too high in the clouds, religious, ungrounded, self-righteous, zealous, opinionated, dogmatic, deluded, has blind faith, impractical, a false prophet, looks to Lady Luck, extravagant, indolent, wanderlust, scattered, exaggerating, excessive, seeking a free lunch, irresponsible, tactless, insensitive, wasteful, restless, gambling, inability to regulate mind with matter, dictator, propagandist, loud-mouthed, coarse

Skillful Qualities:

Wise, understanding, sage-like, philosophical, aspiring, metaphysical, ethical, idealistic, spiritual, visionary, moral, truth-seeking, open minded, optimistic, hopeful, jovial, expansive, buoyant, generous, benevolent, philanthropic, merciful, tolerant, exploring, adventurous, wandering, seeking, freedom loving, frank, outspoken, truthful, speculative, loves animals, athletic, vast and inspirational mind, sees the larger picture, magnanimous, teacher, judge, straightforward, bold, risk-taking (under certain circumstances)