Please keep in mind, that NONE of the information included in Foundational Astrology is comprehensive or complete.



Symbol:           The Water Bearer

Glyph:              Waves of vibration or electricity; parallel lines of


Element:          Air

Polarity:           Yang

Modality:         Fixed

Orientation:     Transpersonal

Wills/Rays:      7, 2 and 4/6/7 (The Constellation Aquarius

distributes Ray 2 and Ray 4.)


Relates to Uranus & the 11th House

The Rulers of Aquarius are Uranus, (exoteric), Jupiter, (Esoteric), and the Moon, (Hierarchical).


Core Meaning: “I Illumine”


Key Phrase    “My need to be innovative, original, and to create social change.” Or “I identify myself with Humanity.”

Key Concepts:

A central question often asked is why the symbol of the Water Bearer for an Air sign? The answer falls along Esoteric lines with the water representing consciousness and/or Truth. This is the Truth that we are all brothers/sisters, which can be understood intellectually, but can only be seen intuitively. It is the power of the intuitive aspect of mind which is embodied by Aquarius.

Aquarius is the Human perfected by this understanding of the Oneness of All people. They can then use their rational, communicative faculties, such as speech and writing, to broadcast this message to others. The water is alive and pregnant with ideas which can be useful to Humanity. It is easily understandable that the eleventh is the sign of inventors, scientists, occultists, social workers, political reformers, and revolutionaries.

The moving lines of the glyph represents the wind over water … the dissemination of knowledge, the teacher, the inspirational visionary. The two undulating lines stand for the motion of the ankles, one part of the body ruled by Aquarius. On another level, the two lines are the serpents of wisdom … the upper line represents the intuitive serpent, while the lower line is the rational serpent … together these two sacred serpents are matchless in the great feats of mind they can accomplish.

Another interpretation has the lines representing communication via air waves and electrical impulses, recognizing that the brain emits electrical currents which enable us to communicate telepathically. While Gemini rules short-distance communication and Libra personal interchanges, Aquarius represents all types of long-distance communications whether by telephone, telegraph, television, radio, internet, or satellite.

Some say that the Sign of Aquarius is the Sign of Astrology itself … that this is the Sign of the future … of the visionary and the unorthodox … Aquarian energy is about social progress, radical action, and altruistic endeavors. Aquarians strive to bring far-sighted solutions to the everyday world and live most intensely in their minds … They are always ready with a helping hand, yet they dance to a different drummer and like to make up their own beat.

While its opposite sign, Leo rules the heart, Aquarius rules the circulatory system, making sure that every cell in the body receives the heart’s energy of life. In Christianity, John the Baptist has been associated with Aquarius. The rite of baptism itself is meant to symbolize being born again in Christ: Esoterically, one is purified by the water, (clear, flowing emotions), and born again, (a reoriented personality), surrendered to His Will, and ready to receive His Consciousness into one’s heart and mind. Here the Urn of the Water Bearer is now the baptismal font. The rite of baptism was a symbol for Initiation, a release of the Soul from Karma, leading to an awakening to the power of Light. The goals of the personality-oriented ego are reborn into a conscious representation of Spirit. (See John 3:3-6.)​

Like the circulatory system, Aquarius needs a strong heart … a firm center to which they can always retreat to rest and rejuvenate themselves. While great activity is a hallmark of the sign, they are far from the strongest of the 12 signs and their minds and nervous systems give them too little time to rest. Mastery comes through self-mastery … in order to manifest what they visualize, Aquarians need to learn to observe their thoughts so they will not become their lower thoughts.

This is a personality that is liberal and progressive, yet has fixed views … the Aquarian native may refuse to compromise or give an inch because a lot of their ego is invested in their opinions. Aquarian energy is paradoxical in nature … Aquarians enjoy people and yet, are ok with being alone … they can be friendly and outgoing and yet detached and reserved. The symbol for Aquarius is The Water Bearer yet it is an Air Sign … this Sign dispenses a gift that flows freely to all, represents creation and the giving of life, while the water pouring out, represents Truth.

Planets in Aquarius often reflect the paradoxical nature of this Sign … Mercury and Jupiter in Aquarius can be both social and intolerant … Mars in Aquarius could cause a person to be more aggressive and fanatical about personal ideas and passions … the Moon and Venus influence in Aquarius incline the person more towards friendships than close emotional relationships.


Land Areas ruled by Aquarius:

Sweden, Ethiopia, Germany, Russia, Lithuania, Canada, parts of the Arabian peninsula, (Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Yemen) and Poland


Hamburg, Bremen, Salzburg, Trent, Stockholm, and Leningrad

Plants ruled by Aquarius:

Frankincense and myrrh

Stones and Gems ruled by Aquarius:

Parts of the Body Ruled by Aquarius:

Blue sapphire, aquamarine, black pearl, obsidian, and slate
The circulatory system; ankles; shins and lower legs

Aquarius on the Wheel:

Ordinary:   And the Word said: “Let desire in form be ruler.”


Reversed“Water of Life am I, poured forth for thirsty people.”

Aquarius ~ on the Path:

Undeveloped: All things to all people. The burden of the self.
Advanced: Dedication to the Soul. The burden of Humanity.
Disciple/Initiate: The Server of all people. The burden of the world.



Aquarius from an Occult Standpoint:

Water of Life: “I am the server and the dispenser of the living waters.”

Unskillful Qualities:

Disorganized, anarchistic, undisciplined, rebel without a cause, fanatical, tearing down but providing no alternative, opinionated, unreasonable, deviant, overly eccentric, a crank, antisocial, impractical, strange, avoiding the here and now, negligent, thoughtless, erratic, unpredictable, inconsistent, impersonal, detached, aloof, unthinking, overly talkative, flighty, zealot, fanatic, imposes own ideas on others, zany schemes

Skillful Qualities:

Reforming, progressive, liberal, humanitarian, democratic, universal, philanthropic, altruistic, tolerant, friendly, social, gregarious, people-oriented, independent, freedom-loving, original, bohemian, eccentric, experimental, unorthodox, unusual, unconventional, innovative, revolutionary, futuristic, New Age, mental, intuitive, inventive, quick, brilliant, electric, scientific, loyal to a cause or an idea, brotherhood, alert, egalitarian, truthful