7th House ~ Relationships:

Cardinal, Air, Yang, Interpersonal; Relates to Venus and Juno; Corresponds to the Sign Libra

Completion through Others: What you seek in others, one-to-one or small group relationships, marriage, personal attributes of the marriage partner, dealings with others, business partnerships, legal contracts, alliances, conflict with others, litigation, cooperation or competition, projection.

The marriage house, of intimate one-to-one relationships with other people. The members of the public with whom we create a personal relationship, enemies, those aspects of the self that we hide from others. Identification of who we are by seeking confirmation in the eyes of another. Love, equality, sharing, open-ended relationships with another that empowers both to enjoy surviving and depending on others. The partner in business, dependency, co-dependency and awareness of other peoples’ inner selves. Joy in intimate relationship with trust, equally, this house can be the aspects of intimacy where lack of trust and danger lurks by placing too much importance on other people. All of the subjective experiences that affect the way we view other people on a one-to-one basis in life and experiences that change our view of intimate relationships.

Close relationships of the emotional and business nature. The sign on the cusp of this house often gives a good indication of the marriage partner. The “we” consciousness. Open adversaries. The house of the not-self or the higher correspondent to the personal self.