
Rules Scorpio

8th House        

The Light of Transcendence

“I Renew”

Will to Initiate, Will to Be, Will to End ~ Ray 1

(Will to Build Divine Forms ~ Ray 7, active during New)

(Will to Express Divinity ~ Ray 7, active in Balsamic)

Ruler of Scorpio and the 8th House

“My capacity to transform and renew myself”

Key Concepts:

It is fitting that the end is about Pluto … and fitting that Pluto is also about the beginning. If Pluto brings an ending, after a pause, a new beginning will follow. This small but mighty planet rules over the Underworld. He is Osiris who rises up daily from the dead in order to bestow new life.

His is not the easiest path to follow for Pluto is a planet of the First Ray of Power and Will. When his energy is abused, (going your own way, ignoring the warning signs, clinging to forms and/or relationships that no longer serve the greater good), he is devastating in his ruthlessness. When his Law is obeyed, (Detach and Release), and his energy is well administered, (“Thy Will be done.” Thy being Soul.), he is the giver of incredible creative, regenerative potency. But—there is almost always some type of loss involved … material or emotional … thoughtform/belief system. Pluto almost always demands “death” as the price of admission through his door to the process of transformation and transmutation. This is a process that ~ eventually ~ leads to total freedom from Karma and redemption in Light … but the process is costly.

We are after all, children of the Earth, much more closely connected to Taurus and Venus than to Scorpio and Pluto. Thus we are far more comfortable ~ and comforted by ~ things and ideas, people and places, we can hold onto rather than giving them up for destruction so we may be free of our attachments to them. Most of us do not want to be free of what we possess or what/whom we cherish, but this periodic cleansing and divesting of form is central to the “Pluto process” and indeed is the only way past the all-seeing “eye of Horus” and our entry into Heaven.

Unlike our closer celestial neighbors, (the Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury, and the Sun), whose energies are very personal … and easily personalized by us … like the physical distance between us and Pluto, he is more a force ~ related to a process ~ we undertake in order to grow. Even at its best, Pluto represents a force of destruction. Such a force can certainly be positive—there are definite aspects of ourselves that need to be destroyed from time to time—but we usually meet Pluto with some degree of apprehension and dread. For examples, click here.

Pluto creates the ability to break free of certain psychological bonds which inhibit one from inner growth. This can manifest in irreversible acts like breaking the psychic umbilical cord which ties one to one’s parents. Pluto, especially when well-connected to Jupiter can bring either religious conversion or spiritual enlightenment. Plutonian individuals can be solitary, distant, detached from anything outside his own concerns. These concerns usually involve some form of research or planning.

Pluto penetrates to the core of anything and permanently transforms it; the Plutonian process is irreversible; a butterfly cannot return to being a caterpillar. In penetrating nature’s secrets, Pluto uncovers her creative and destructive forces; Pluto exhibits the extreme poles of transformation.

Pluto governs the regenerative forces of physiological and psychological healing, often manifesting as “bringing up” things, eliminating “toxins” … thus opening the way for the healing power of nature itself to take over the process.

Pluto is also linked symbolically with death and sexuality – Plutonian energy seeks the loss of the ego in something altogether more intense and powerful … regeneration through the process of letting go. Pluto has been called “the Bringer of Light,” one who helps us bring up and integrate what is buried in the subconscious.


Pluto By Element:





How I transform myself (and others):

Through my ideas and communication

Through my emotions and feelings

Through my creative self-expression

Through my work and accomplishments

Generally: Transmutation of energy; the eliminator, annihilator or redeemer; regenerative aspects of death; renewal of the life force; the end and the beginning.​


Key Words: Regeneration: death, annihilation, destruction, black magic, breaking down, upheaval, terrorism, catabolism, elimination, release, purging, catharsis, cleansing, rebirth, creation, renewal, resurrection, rising from the depths, building up, anabolism, eruption, sex. Transformation: metamorphosis, transmutation, alchemy, White Magic, permanent alteration, irreversible change, mutation, reorganization, revitalization. Penetrating the Secrets of Life: the unseen, the invisible planes, extrasensory perception, the under-world, subterranean, hidden power, atomic energy, laser beams, x-rays, genetic engineering.


Pluto’s Glyph symbolizes a flower encapsulating its seed – before the seed can grow, the flower must first die, allowing the seed to fall to the ground and be absorbed into the soil, hidden from the Light of day … then it undergoes a transformation and in time, becomes the new flower. This Glyph also represents all 3 symbols of matter, Soul and Spirit, representing the creative energy locked in matter that is waiting to be unleashed. The other Glyph used for Pluto, the P with a foot, is based on the initials of Percival Lowell, who “discovered” Pluto.​



Analysis by Theos:

Theos identifies Pluto as the Great Re-Former, the One through Whom Synthesis and Renewal will proceed.

Pluto is the doorway … one through whom ALL must pass … leading to rejuvenation and revitalization of the Life … and sometimes, the form as well. The revitalization of the physical form is dependent upon the purposes of the Soul … and the willingness of the personality to submit to the rigors of a Plutonian life ~ that of continual Detach and Release until ALL attachments have been surrendered ~ and Service is all that remains.

When one finds Joy in Service to ALL Kingdoms, the physical form will continuously renew itself through a Unification with Soul and Its Purpose…….


Pluto governs the process of catabolism and anabolism [continual death and rebirth of cells]; also orgasm and conception; diseases occur through autointoxication [the poisoning of the body through the slow build-up of physical toxins such as radiation, carcinogens, etc. Also psychological “toxins” such as bitterness and resentment;] cancer is Plutonian in nature.

Stones and Metals Associated with Pluto:

Jade, ceramics, enamels, beryl, and plutonium.

Plants Associated with Pluto:

Narcissus, pomegranate, rye, wheat, ergot, corn, damiana, fly Agaric, galangal root, barley, oats, mushrooms, psilocybin, wheat, saw palmetto, yohimbe, and cypress tree.

Please keep in mind, that NONE of the information included in Foundational Astrology is comprehensive or complete.