A Summary of Polarity:

We live on a Plane of Polarities … the evidence of this essential duality is everywhere. When studying the qualities of Yin and Yang, representing the Two Faces of Deity, it is important to keep in mind that everything on this Plane is made up of these two fundamental energies, which come from The One Unified Source, The All That Is. This essential Divine Duality is the source of the Universal Law of Polarity, which demands that everything has its opposite and that these opposites are identical in nature, but different in vibration.

All manifestation on this Plane comes through a “marriage” of the Polarities … we cannot create anything without these two basic, complementary energies. The Yang energy provides that creative spark … an inspired idea from Source … that initiates the manifesting process. The Yin energy receives and gestates that spark, ultimately birthing the idea forth into form. Through a rightly-directed will, we select and direct [Yang], then receive, nurture, and manifest [Yin].

Theos has given several informative channelings on the subject of Polarities and as time allows, we will be adding their information to this section of the website. We are in the process of calling to us a person who is interested in organizing all of our channeled and research materials into a cross-referenced library … your Transmissions to this person and this project, would be deeply appreciated.

Every Astrological Sign carries a Polarity and the Signs that share Polarity can be said to be nurturing and supportive of each other. For instance, in thinking of the Element of Fire and asking what “feeds” (nurtures]) Fire, the answer is Air. When thinking of nurturing a seed planted in the ground, one naturally thinks of Water as being supportive of the germination of that seed. This helps us understand the division of the Signs into Their essential nature and also helps us remember which Signs are more compatible and harmonious together.

In our work with the concepts of Polarities, we will be using Yin to denote the ingoing, nurturing, gestating, manifesting energies [which Western culture associates with “feminine” energies] and when we use Yang, we are indicating outgoing, expressive, assertive, distributing energies [which Western culture associates with “masculine” energies]. Because of the cultural biases that are tied to the terms masculine and feminine, we prefer to use terms that are less gender focused and more objectively descriptive of how these energies express themselves on the physical plane.


Theos cautions us frequently that Yang energy is currently over-valued in most cultures and societies. The Tibetan tells us that this current World Cycle is feminine, but as we look around us, that is hard to grasp. As we await the return of Venusian energy, we can do our share by learning and practicing balance of both the Yin and Yang energies within ourselves. During Yang Signs, we aim to be more aware of “how” we are in the world and how we express our Essential Selves in all circumstances and situations. Below is a list of qualities associated with Yang energy, as well as the Signs associated with Yang.

Air: GEMINI, LIBRA, AQUARIUS                                                             Fire: ARIES, LEO, SAGITTARIUS

exhale, active, energy, day force, extroverted, levity, electric, conscious, logical, individualistic, outgoing, light, expressive, positive, directs, initiates, transmits, displays, commands, distributes, points, left-brained, force, warm, powerful, dynamic, active, assertive, strong, focused, forceful, energetic, bright, sunny, uplifting, hopeful, optimistic, vibrant, positivity, head-centered.


Theos reminds us that Yin Signs “take it in” … whatever “it” may be … so we tend to focus our awareness during Yin Signs on what energies and experiences we are receiving and how we gestate and integrate them. Yin also brings the energy of rest, relaxation and the feeling sense of being tuned inward towards our greater Beingness. Included in the space of Yin is that still point that is neither active nor receptive … here is a distinct energy of Being, rather than doing. Below is a list of the Signs, as well as qualities, associated with Yin energy:

Water: CANCER, SCORPIO, PISCES                                                       Earth: TAURUS, VIRGO, CAPRICORN

inhale, receptive, introverted, magnetic, instinctive, dark, intuitive, ingoing, feminine, night force, gravity, social-collective, negative, develops, multiplies, intensifies, generates, manifests, gentle, augments, enlarging, expanding, unifying, right-brained, energy, cool, moon, shadow, calm, introspective, mysterious, birthing, subtle, heart-centered.