A Summary of Orientation:

Orientation refers to the three stages of relationship between the individual and her/his/their environment. Orientation describes how we meet our world … how we approach relationships in this reality, on what Theos calls a “Plane of Relationship.” As we grow through our relationships, opening to greater and greater inclusiveness … from the self-centered focus of the personality on personal wants and needs … to the more expanded perspective of the interpersonal … where we learn to consider the “other,” as well as our close-knit groups, such as family, friends and associates … onto the transpersonal levels of awareness, moving ever closer to the all-inclusive Oneness of full Soul Expression and Knowing our connection to All That Is.


This stage begins at infancy, where the individual is focused primarily on meeting personal wants and needs … it sees itself as the center of a universe whose sole purpose is to assure its well-being. While this Orientation is limited in its vision, it also carries positive qualities like: self-assurance, self-awareness, independence, a self-starter, and being able to work well alone, confident, poised, conscious, mindful, percipient, responsive, alert, self-possessed, self-assured, composed, assured, self-controlled, cool-headed, calm, cool and collected, at ease, tranquil. serene, unperturbed, unruffled,  impassive, nonchalant, confident, self-confident, dignified, equable, imperturbable, suave, urbane, elegant, together, unfazed, unflappable, nonplussed, equanimous


Interpersonal (Social): LEO, VIRGO, LIBRA, SCORPIO

At this stage, we discover that other people exist and that they, too, have legitimate needs … we learn to interact with a variety of people and to allow for their needs through cooperation and sharing. This Orientation is more outgoing, involved more in the affairs of those around them, more social and engaged with others, less focused on personal wants/needs and more heart-centered toward others. Communal, community, collective, sociable, interactive, affable, amicable, cordial, familiar, genial.

Transpersonal (Universal): Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

The final stage where we seek to understand our relationship with the Universe at large … where our relationship to All becomes our focal point through ideals and abstractions, and it is at this stage when we become interested in developing our connection to Spirit. Here we are outward directed, more universal in the scope of our thinking, less inclined to discount the things of Spirit, and generally more involved in the world at large, big social issues, and the pursuit of Enlightenment. Spiritual, numinous, transcendent, accomplished, boundless, consummate, pre-eminent, prominent, distinguished, whole.