Grand Cross:


It is said that the Grand Cross is the rarest of aspects. As its name suggests, the Grand Cross incorporates four planets in square to one another on the arms of a cross, usually in signs of the same Quality. This is undoubtedly the most stable of the challenging aspect patters, as it imparts tremendous strength and rootedness in the face of considerable frustration. If and when people with this configuration learn to get on top of their formidable energies, they are often capable of exceptional achievements.

The way in which the energies of a Grand Cross are likely to make themselves felt is colored by the Quality of the Signs in which the pattern falls. A Cardinal Grand Cross, for instance, signifies enormous drive, which is invariably frustrated by the conflicting demands of everyday life. While people with this type of Grand Cross may blame others for the resistance they encounter, much of it is self-induced for – initially, at least – they seldom plan or think carefully before acting and compound matters by insisting on doing everything their own way, often at break-neck speed.

Those with a Fixed Grand Cross, by contrast, are inclined to do everything within their powers to keep things just as they are, so that when change inevitably comes, it is usually dramatic and sudden. Once they put their minds to it, they have the determination and strength to overcome the most difficult obstacles; the problem is, however, making the initial move. People with a Mutable Grand Cross have little difficulty accepting change – in fact they positively thrive on it … but when faced with unwanted situations, they are inclined to change course in the vain hope that this will somehow avert the problem. The reality is that they often make matters worse, for their conflicts ultimately arise from within, out of immense restlessness and a lack of consistency.

The Grand Cross occurs when 4 or more planets are at the same degree in signs of the same quality and are separated by angles of ninety degrees. It shows a major struggle to keep from spilling energy in diverse and unrelated directions. Many obstacles will interfere with the realization of goals. Close aspects to any of the planets involved by a planet outside the Grand Cross will significantly reduce the pressure and provide an easier channel through which to apply the energies of the planets.