Full Phase
Will to Act
Silver-Blue or Rainbow White
“I AM Illumined by God’s Pure Light”
During the Full Phase, the Hierarchy draws near and is in a position to hear our calls for help. For all days touched by Full Phase energies, we add The Lord’s Prayer to our morning and/or night ceremony and ritual, thereby opening the door for the Spiritual Hierarchy to transmit TO us and putting ourselves in the best position to receive Their help with our issues and intents. (We can use either the exoteric or the Esoteric version of The Lord’s prayer, as we choose. These are active links to the respective prayer.)
This Phase is an entirely passive Phase in the sense that we are focused on receiving Full Illumination and understanding around our chosen issue and intents for the Cycle.
We invoke and evoke the energies of the Will to Act (to Know) as often as we can think to do so. Here is our opportunity to observe how the energies of the Will to Act work on us to quiet our minds, detach our thoughts from entangling emotions and create a clear, light-filled space for the thoughts of ourSelves as Soul to descend to our concrete level of consciousness, so we may begin to Know Soul’s goals and motives ~ and through Soul, the goals and motives of God/Goddess/All That Is. Thus we are helped to know what actions we can take to further the Divine Plan.
What Qualities from your Totem Friends can you choose to quiet your mind, detach from entangling emotions and create a beautiful aura, filled with Intelligent Love and the grace of Soul?