3rd Quarter

Will To Cause
Magenta, (Rose and Indigo combined), or Bronze

“I REORIENT” (to the goals and motives of mySelf as Soul)

By this point in the Cycle, it is normal to have more insights and revelations and it is here where we seek to create within ourselves a Reorientation toward the issues and intents we set at the beginning of the Cycle. We refine the insights, revelations and illumination we received at Full into a more perfect expression ~ that ideal which is held in the mind of ourSelves as Soul. The Will to Cause is that energy which most potently evokes Soul-Alignment and carries the energies of Soul-Alignment within Its signature emanations and radiation.

This is also the Phase where we make the conscious effort to review the entire Cycle and integrate all that we have learned and surrendered ~ all that we are ready to release into the flames of Balsamic: our old habits of thought, our misperceptions, our unhelpful attitudes. We Reorient to the ways of ourSelves as Soul, as revealed to us during the Cycle. (And it will be revealed, on that you can depend.)

What Qualities can you choose to bring up to the front of your consciousness your attitudes, perceptions, old expectations, and limitations? Considering your intents for the Cycle ~ and all you have discovered about the combined energies of the Phase ~ which Animal, Plant and Mineral Totem Friends do you feel can best help you Reorient to the ways of Soul?