Astrology and The Asceni Method
[Important Note from Susan:
In an effort to stay on the “right side” of copyright infringement laws, I would ask all of you who read the astrological information contained on this website to please DO NOT make copies of this for other people.
Here are my various sources, chiefly: Astrology for Yourself, by George and Bloch; Alan Oken’s Complete Astrology; Asteroid Goddesses, also by D. George and D. Bloch; A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Esoteric Astrology, Esoteric Healing, Esoteric Psychology, The Rays and the Initiations, all by Alice A. Bailey, as well as extracts from the Bailey books CD database [a terrific bargain at $125], as well as from various compilations of her work with the Tibetan; and Tapestry of the Gods, by M. Robbins … I also consulted numerous different online sources, including “Astrodienst;” “Makara;” “Alan Oken’s The Wisdom of Astrology;” Robert Wilkinson’s “Aquarius Papers;” “Pan Planet;” “Pantheon;” “Rajuna’s Refuge;” “TreeHouse Mountain;” “AstroKing,” and “Wikipedia,” [some of which I’ve cited in the text], as well as some online sites that, through changing computers several times, I no longer know who they are. Additional books consulted, read, and summarized are included in the Reading Room section of this website. I should also probably mention that this information is also predicated on knowledge of the 7 Qualities of Divine Will, loosely based on Sanaya Roman’s work with Orin, but augmented and expanded by Theos.
Even though a large percentage of this information is “original” deductive work on my part, with added input from Theos, in all honesty, I felt constantly citing references made reading the information somewhat confusing, so I have also paraphrased when convenient and sometimes “lifted” the text straight from the source and intermingled a few words or thoughts of my own, if I felt I could add clarity. Consequently, any of the above sources might be pretty unhappy with me if they happened to come across a copy of this information, since I haven’t written for permission from any of them….
Feel free to share the information verbally with anyone you feel might be helped, but again, please don’t make copies for anyone else……..]
Astrology is a language, an art, and a science that reveals the relationship between the cycles of the Heavenly Bodies and the people and their activities on earth. The word astrology is derived from the ancient Greek “astron,” (star), and “logos,” (word or speech), literally “star talk.”
It is the language of energy and the relationships between energies.
In a way, the energies of the Universe could easily be compared to constantly moving traffic. The study of Astrology is learning to read traffic conditions at any given moment. Energy work is directing traffic to flow where it is needed in any given moment. A natal chart is a snapshot of traffic at the moment in the place of your birth.
Participating in The Asceni Method study group requires some astrological background, mainly the qualities of the Heavenly Bodies, including their Rulerships; the qualities of the Signs and their respective Element, Modality, Orientation and Polarity; along with some knowledge of aspects and aspect patterns.
Any natal horoscopes used as an example here reflect our use of Western Tropical Astrology and the Placidus House system.
Basically, everything contained in Foundational Astrology is required for participation in The Asceni Method study group ~ which is why we have made the effort to adequately cover basic astrology here onsite when there are literally thousands of other websites containing similar material.
For ease of reference, (and typing!), we may use “planets,” instead of Heavenly Bodies. Even though the Sun, the Moon, Chiron, Ceres, Juno, Pallas Athene, and Vesta are not planets, we may refer to them as such.
It needs to be pointed out that a good percentage of the astrological information provided here is exoteric in nature. We have made the attempt to include some Esoteric information, mainly the Ray/Will associations, but we have also provided Esoteric information Theos felt was important to know here in the early stages of our studies together. It is also their hope that we might meditate/contemplate on this information to help ourselves gain more insight.
Just as a “heads-up,” the possibility exists that we may add the Asteroid Pairs at some point in the future of our study together.
Having established the minimum requirements, Theos encourages us to study Astrology, especially our own natal charts, so that we may gain an understanding of what our Souls intended for this lifetime. To that end, we have provided summaries ~ along with hints and clues provided by Theos ~ on most of the basic information required to learn how to read your own natal chart.