A Question of Worth
The issue of deserving has a companion issue, closely related. This is the question of self-worth.
There are few issues more emotionally loaded than this concept … this perception you have of your self-worth. So much of your orientation to your life, to the events and circumstances that make up your life, are all tied to your perception of your self-worth … what you believe it to be.
We are using the words “your perception,” intentionally. Most often, you arrive at this perception … more accurately said, this judgment, of yourself by looking at, and comparing yourself to, other people.
The esoteric truth you need to know, is this: Every person on this planet has a value of 1 … there are no people of greater worth than you … nor does anyone have a value less than yours. You are all equally valuable, equally needed … simply here to serve Soul’s purpose. No more, no less.
It may seem as if some people are worth more than others … whether it’s due to the amount of money they have … or the power they appear to wield … or because you feel they have qualities or things you lack.
Whatever the reason we choose to think others are more valuable, it simply isn’t true. In this illusion we all share, we are bombarded by other peoples’ thoughts, other peoples’ values, other peoples’ ideas about life and what is considered valuable … and what is not.
The most important thing to remember here is: this is an illusion, created to fool us into believing it is real … in order for us to grow … and to learn how to create our lives ~ and everything in them ~ more skillfully.
Whatever “power” someone in this illusion wields, it is only temporal power, meant for them to learn how to wield power wisely, fairly, and in alignment with Soul and the greater principles which Soul holds.
Their lessons and challenges are simply different from yours and their path is not the same as yours … but their path is not more important than yours ~ both are equally valuable. No matter what you may think your earthly “position” is, everyone is here to learn something their Soul wants to experience.
Everyone has a value of 1 and we are all part of the One.
As Theos has often said to us when talking about the Will to Unify, Ray 2 Qualities, “We are the many who make up the One.” To believe anything else is based on a faulty premise.
You chose to accept what someone else said, wrote, or taught you, was your worth. You decided to believe them, whoever they were. Your self-worth is based on a decision you made in the past.
Every day you have a chance to make a different choice about what you think and believe your self-worth is. Every day you also have the opportunity to make a different choice about what you think and believe the relative worth of others is. Take the time to think about, explore, and research the ideas here so that you may make a wise decision about your own worth. And the worth of others.
As Theos has said many times: “Informed choice is REAL power.”
We all have the ability to have, use, and wield power wisely … REAL Power ~ the power to choose.
“No one is more important than anyone else. No one is more important than me.” A corollary. (Ponder on this for wisdom.)
Everyone has a value of 1 and we are all part of the One.