Welcome to Essential Concepts

“God’s Pure Light”






We welcome everyone to this section on the foundational ideas and principles upon which our entire body of work is based. If you choose to join in our study and play through Cycles, in time you will know the value of working consciously and purposefully with The Asceni Method, (for Cognitive Restructuring through Cycles), (TAM).

We are always expanding on our information and continuously bringing greater understanding to our view of all things … which inevitably demands a persistent effort to refine all of the information and help we offer here so that it will increasingly serve the needs of All as we journey towards Full Soul Expression.

While this section provides a broad overview of all of the essential concepts the Aspirant needs to know to participate, some of the subjects require more in-depth information. Theos asks that you please read these sections in numerical order

Mouse over every photo, icon, image, or underlined words to find links to related information. If you think you’re reading something twice, (or more), you are. Theos frequently reminds us: Everyone learns through repetition. Everyone learns through repetition. Everyone learns through repetition. 😎

Theos has ordered these Essential Concepts in a specific sequence because you are building toward certain levels of information you’ll need to grow into your greater Self. Please make sure you have a clear understanding of a section before moving on to the next section.

Write about each Concept in your journal. Here are some suggestions on what to write about:

  • consider whether or not the information challenges your long-held beliefs … or those of your authorities;
  • link the information to your own experiences to test their Truthfulness for you;
  • observe how each section feels to you:
    • does it lift your mind?
    • does it challenge you emotionally?
    • does it “nag” at you to think about it?
    • does it expand your thinking in any way?
    • pay attention to your heart ~ if the information feels controversial to you, pause and ask yourself if it could be True?
  • write about any memories that float up for you when you are considering what you’ve read. Chances are better than excellent they’re related;
  • if after considering all of these points, you feel you can’t relate to the information, note that in your journal, along with the date and time to have for later. (You may  decide to study Astrology and it will prove helpful to have dates and times for things.)

For the more complicated subject of astrology, we have provided expanded information in the section entitled Foundational Astrology. Following this section are the complete instructions for The Asceni Method under that name, which can only be accessed through an additional password.

Theos asks you to carefully read and integrate all these Essential Concepts we are asked to learn as part of our participation in the TAM study group.

Although personal Blog spaces for each member may be provided, we strongly, strongly recommend keeping good notes in a physical journal. As Theos kept telling us in the very beginning of our study together: If you keep track through the Cycles, you’ll have all the proof your Personality needs to know that The Asceni  Method really works. And they were right. Do yourself a good turn and journal as much of it as you can. You’ll be glad you did … just as we are.

Theos’ Focus For This Group:

Theos is keenly interested in helping Humanity develop ~ and evolve ~ their ability to think. While it is true that all humans think, those humans whose thoughts are calm, disciplined, Loving, and kind, are still a tiny portion of the majority. This knowledge led Theos to develop The Asceni Method (for Cognitive Restructuring through Cycles) in order to help humanity evolve their destructive thoughts and beliefs into more helpful, more loving thoughts and beliefs.

Theos also desires to help us to know and understand Love better ~ not as an emotion ~ but as a treasure trove of Divine Qualities, which together form the most powerful force in the Universe. Theos rarely talks about “human” love, so when you see the word Love, capitalized, it is Love as defined by Theos. There is a section on Theos’ definition of Love, further into these Essential Concepts.