One of the keynote energies of the Ray 7/Aquarian/Will to Express Divinity Age calls for Unity in Diversity.
This seems like a pretty straightforward idea to grasp. A type of Unity that’s made up of all sorts of people … but that’s not exactly what it means. Nor is it as easily accomplished as it might first appear.
For starters, just considering people … including people you currently don’t like, people you don’t agree with, people who commit serious crimes like child molestation or murder, politicians and political parties you don’t agree with or like, people who lie, people who cheat, people who are disloyal, and so on. Diversity covers them all.
Finding Unity with everyone is a mighty challenge and one of life’s greatest opportunities. It requires “spiritual muscles,” especially in the Heart Qualities of Patience, Tolerance, Inclusiveness, Compassion, Understanding, Generosity and Forgiveness. It asks us to be Faithful to our beliefs in Unity and Unconditional Love. An even greater challenge is to Understand that everyone … no matter “how it looks” to anyone else … is doing their best in every moment.
Know this: if people knew and truly understood the Laws and Truths of this reality, they would be living their lives in alignment with those Laws and Truths. But they don’t Know. A majority of people are just now learning to think. This is the basic Truth that leads us first to the Quality of Tolerance.
Through Tolerance, we learn to accept what is ~ right now ~ and we embrace those to whom we feel the least amount of connection. Some of these folks are your greatest Teachers. And learning to transform reactive emotions is one of the essential skills in Emotional Mastery.
Tolerance is a stepping stone to Inclusiveness … and through Inclusiveness, we eventually “graduate” to Knowing our Oneness with All Others. We know and understand that, on some level, we are all the same, we all have Karma, we all must learn and grow into Beings of Love, with Conscious Awareness of ~ and obedience to ~ Universal Laws and Truths. This is the Path all of Humanity must eventually follow.
But … Unity in Diversity isn’t just about people …Unity in Diversity includes all the Kingdoms of Nature, of which there are five (5). In order of spiritual development, the Kingdoms are as follows:
1. the Soul Kingdom,
2. the Human Kingdom,
3. the Animal Kingdom,
4. the Plant Kingdom, and
5. the Mineral Kingdom
When Theos says “spiritual development,” they are talking about the degree to which the Consciousness contained in each Kingdom has upward mobility … and that is dependent upon the degree to which they are able to fulfill their purpose.
For the lower three Kingdoms, (Animal, Plant, Mineral), a large part of being able to fulfill their purpose is dependent upon the activities of the Human Kingdom … just as, in some ways, the ability of the Human Kingdom to fulfill its purpose is dependent upon the activities of the Souls who gave them Life.
Humans are meant to be the shepherds of the natural world, not the masters.
First … first … Humanity must recognize that every single thing in this reality is a form of Life. The value and worth most humans currently attach to any member of the lower three Kingdoms has mainly a materialistic perspective and motive, with little knowledge of ~ or regard to ~ the Life that pervades them ALL … and no recognition of their potential capacity for Spirit. Humans have yet, en masse, to learn how to live in harmony and balance with the natural world. They must shed the attitude that nature is to be “mastered” and forced to do their bidding … a laughable chutzpah, considering the forces of nature are well beyond the human capacity to master … at this point in their collective evolution, in any event.
The spiritual progression of the lower Kingdoms has a great deal to do with whether or not they are utilized for the purpose the Creator of this reality gave them. One of your challenges as aspirants and disciples is to discover ~ and honor ~ the purpose of every form of Life in this reality. The degree to which you are able to comply is clearly dependent upon your own level of evolution and spiritual development.
Suffice it to say that there is Life in ALL forms and only through connecting with each Life, can one become aware of that Life’s true purpose. Some progress towards this goal has already been made by those who have walked the Path before you. The work must needs move forward apace through the efforts of every successive wave of aspirants and disciples.
As we move further and further into the Aquarian Age, this work with the Angels, Devas, Directors, and Elementals will gain greater and greater importance to all of Humanity, who will then invoke and evoke the energies of the Will to Express Divinity to bring Spirit and matter closer and closer together, eventually attaining Heaven on Earth … another way to say Unity in Diversity.