Make Change Your Friend
“Make change your friend … when change is the only constant in the universe … make change your friend.” Theos gave us this advice and periodically reminds us about this Truth when we find accepting and/or embracing change, difficult.
Learning to make change our “friend,” requires an openness in our attitudes ~ a willingness to “go with the flow” or to allow the events or circumstances in your life to go a different way from the way in which you had planned. It means ending your efforts at iron-clad control over your life and everything ~ and everyone ~ in it. It means easing up and opening up to the many ways there are in the Universe to do anything.
What you most often find when you simply allow things to flow, is your life improving in radical, unforeseen ways. In time, you learn to trust this aspect of the process of consciously manifesting your life ~ where allowing easy change is allowing your Soul and the Higher Beings an opportunity to add some energy into your manifesting mix, vastly improving the eventual outcome.
Beyond these benefits for easily embracing change, comes the Truth that change will happen, regardless. It must.
And it must happen regularly, in Cycles, as all things do.