Your Physical Body is Your Growth Partner:

At this point, please read ~ or review ~ the section on the 3-Fold Human Being prior to studying this section. These two concepts are intricately related to, and are an intrinsic part of, one another.

How it Looks:

1. The Guides often tell us our physical bodies are the “clothes” our Soul has chosen for us to “wear” in this incarnation. You could also consider your body as the “book cover” your personality is wearing while experiencing an earth life.

2. This cover was not made by you … instead it was made with loving care and clear intent by your Soul. It’s the book cover you have been given to wear for this lifetime … you are meant to learn and grow from wearing this particular physical form.

Theos has intentionally used the book cover analogy ~ which tends to generate angst and inflame the emotions ~ because there is a widely used expression which tells you “not to judge a book by its cover.” And one concurrent, widely held belief that this adage is meant to make “ugly” people feel better about the way they look.

The idea here is: if a person clearly doesn’t understand the reason why their book cover looks the way it does, it can and does cause a great deal of emotional suffering … hanging onto your negative perceptions of your body  is a problem … lasting until you learn to value your growth more than your looks, which becomes a gift.

And, while you can change your “book cover” … it will still be covering the same book.

Your body’s relationship with you:

• Your body listens to your inner dialogue. Every word. All. the. time.

• (It isn’t just your physical body who listens to your thoughts, but for now, we are considering only the physical body.)

Your body obeys your thoughts.

• The Tibetan tells us that the elementals who make up your physical body “were swept up into involuntary service.”

• Soul pressed these physical elementals into service in order to make up your physical form. The elementals had no choice. You could call it slavery, if you’d like.

• These elementals are not only forced into service, but they are also subject to certain conditions. One of those conditions is that it must listen to your inner dialogue and react accordingly.

That’s why:

• Your body obeys your thoughts. Always. That’s a condition of its servitude. It must respond directly to your predominant thoughts and manifest them … physically.

• Your body takes every word you think, literally. It does its very best to manifest whatever is contained in your inner dialogue. If you have repeated thoughts like “I’m fat! I am disgusting! I’m fat, fat, fat!” etc., your body hears this and voila! ~ You’re fat. Or you think you are, regardless of any evidence otherwise….

Every single human disease starts with a thought:

• This condition of your physical elementals’ involuntary service is why every single human disease starts with a thought. Somewhere. Subconscious or conscious. Desirable or undesirable. Whether in previous lives on the same genetic line or current thoughts in this lifetime.

• And, in order to cause disease, it must also be a repetitive thought. Some physical manifestations take longer than others to materialize in the form.

• The only thing saving your asses from constant catastrophe is a veil your Soul created between you and the Causal Plane.

• The thickness of this veil is wholly dependent on your level of spiritual growth. This veil was created to protect you … from yourself.

• This veil thins as you grow spiritually and have a better relationship between yourself and your “book cover.”

Your physical body, your “book cover” is a loyal and true growth partner. It will always tell you exactly what you’re thinking, simply by looking at your situation and evaluating it with unflinching honesty. A huge help in this area is Louise Hay’s book: Heal Your Body. You can find this book online at an extremely reasonable price. We highly, highly recommend it.

A final point to ponder: Theos often refers to our physical bodies as our ” biggest pet.” Theos Knows we don’t talk to our other pets the way we talk to our physical bodies. They say that if we would treat our biggest pet with the same love and care we treat our other pets, we would be a whole lot happier and healthier.

And, once your mind accepts the idea of your body as a growth partner ~ and once your mind is properly trained on the positive ~ you will form a mutually beneficial relationship with your body and your growth will accelerate. You might then find peace with the “book cover” you were given.

And that’s no small thing.