As Above, So Below

This is probably the simplest way to state the Law of Correspondences.

The Law of Correspondences tells us that our outer world is nothing more than a reflection of our inner world – as within, so without. This is a Universal Law which dictates that our current reality is a mirror of what is going on inside us. This is a point we really need to understand and integrate.

Most information about the Law of Correspondences addresses the relationship between the Inner Self and the Outer Self ~ one being a reflection of the other. Usually, this takes the form of Mirrors.

This is particularly true in our relationships with other people. We have a saying in our group: “The face may change but the opportunity remains the same.” Our Souls send us people to help us “get” an idea, a belief, an attitude, a blockage, a blind spot, etc., and they keep sending them until we finally “see” the light about this issue Soul wants us to deal with and resolve.

Every person in your life: your family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, strange folks you meet in random places ~ everyone you come in contact with ~ are all mirrors for some part of you. The mirror can be either desirable or undesirable … but rest assured, every single person you come in contact with, in any way, is your mirror in some way. Theos’ final word on any attempts to deny our mirrors is this: “There is no Not-Me. If it’s ‘in your face,’ it’s you.”

As a group, we’ve pretty much adopted the practice of asking one another “what’s the mirror?” when we get an unexpected or inexplicable experience with someone. We encourage everyone to develop the habit of looking for the mirrors you encounter, especially if you find them disturbing in any way.

Those mirrors you most strongly want to deny … are your “gems and jewels,” according to Theos. Over time, we’ve found this to be True … and often, pretty darn funny. We learn the most from the things that make us the most unhappy.

Those strong, emotional reactions we have to people and things that are not to our liking we call “charges.” Like being shocked with a cattle prod or downed with a taser, our emotional charges can pack a real wallop. The bigger the charge, the bigger the quantum leap that follows when you understand what that charge is all about for you.

Cherish your mirrors. Or at the very least, Bless them. They are doing you an invaluable service by showing you a part of yourself you did not see. And do not Love.

A second restatement of the Law of Correspondences, “On Earth as it is in Heaven.” This idea relates to the line of communication, (or correspondence), between the energies of your lower, physical mind, (Earth), and the higher vibrational energies of the Divine Mind, (Heaven).

We can take it one step further. There is a third essential component to how this Law works: the relationship you have with your Soul. “As the Universe, so the Soul.” The key to changing your physical reality is through recognizing your Soul wants your physical life to reflect your spiritual life. Every step you take in your physical life needs to reflect your Soul’s desire to be realized through everything you think, say and do in your physical world. Which is why the things we need to learn are repeated over and over again until we learn them.

The Law of Correspondences teaches us to acknowledge, examine, understand, and forgive, (if needed), an issue, (or person), until you are healed. When the way you move through a challenge is aligned with the Divine Wisdom of your Soul, (by coming from a perspective of peace and love), then those negative types of situations, (and people), will stop recurring in your life. This is one of the areas TAM addresses to create real change in your life.

Your Soul will provide as many opportunities as it takes in order for you to meet the challenge. As Theos always tells us: “Your Soul never sets you up to fail.” No matter how difficult the challenge, no matter how high the climb, no matter how impossible it may seem, if you are facing a challenge, Know this: You are programmed to succeed.