Allowing ~ Key to Receiving Your Highest Good

Every once in a while, Theos will ask us: “What will you allow?”

This never fails to raise questions about our blocks to receiving anything … but especially to receiving everything Soul wants for us to have in this lifetime. We assume we are, in fact, quite willing to receive the good things we feel we want. However, more often than not, we carry beliefs and attitudes which prevent us from allowing our highest good.

Theos has said: “Allowing is an art.”

Our first reaction was confusion. (DaBen tells us “Confusion is a high state of being.” As the Tibetan would say: “Ponder on this.”)

Then, a more practical approach: How is allowing an art? What kind of art is it? We need to know something we don’t know. The perfect time to transmit the Will to Act to Know.

Now, remembering: the purpose of art is Soul contact … so, the art of allowing must also include Soul contact. Which brings with it the realization that allowing isn’t just about getting “stuff” we want, like a car or a house or lots of money. If Soul’s involved, it’s a sure bet that everything in our highest good includes plenty of non-material gifts.

Allowing is the art of opening your heart. It’s about empathy and compassion. Not just for others ~ though that’s exceedingly important ~ but also for yourself. If you do not have the things, people and/or relationships you truly want, there’s a problem with your heart.

Your heart is closed to you. Why?

Soul cannot send anything or anyone to you when your heart is closed in that area. It would be tantamount to UPS delivering a package to an empty field, instead of a valid address.

Perhaps you spend your time in envy or jealousy of the things, people, and/or relationships that others have. It’s possible that you don’t like yourself. (Both these areas are asking for some form of forgiveness. See the section here in Essential Concepts on Forgiveness.) ***Put this section after Forgiveness and Deserving.***

Maybe you don’t believe you deserve what you want. (See the section here in Essential Concepts on Deserving.)

In order to allow, your heart must be open ~ wide ~ in the areas in which you have desires for something, someone, a relationship, an experience, or whatever the desire is.

  • Being open means you are able to easily imagine yourself having it. Without any inner arguing.
  • Being open means you believe you can have it. Again, no inner voice argues against it.
  • Being open means you cannot  ~ nor do you try ~ to find any reason why you should not have it.
  • Being open means whenever you think of the desire, your heart lifts in happiness or joy. No negatives arise to stop your joy.

Those few points contain important information as to why you don’t have what you want. If you’ve got any of those internal stoppers mentioned above, Bless them. They are telling you exactly where your heart is closed. Work through it in Cycles at your first opportunity.

If you are not getting the basic things in life that you actually need, it’s time to take a step back and look objectively at your raw materials. ***See the section below on Manifesting, as well as the section in The Library entitled The Basics of Manifesting.*** Needs proper cite.)

Both allowing and expectation are forms of energy work/play. Both depend upon trust as the underlying support for their practice. Trust, like everything else in your reality, is a choice you make.

You must choose to trust Soul to help you create what you want.

You are partners with Soul in manifesting. Act like it. Consult your partner. Ask for Soul’s advice. Call on Soul to help you create what you want. And if what you want doesn’t come, ask Soul what needs to happen in order to create it. Perhaps it’s a question of right timing. If you still haven’t received what you’ve asked for ~ after addressing everything listed above ~ ask to understand why what you’ve asked for isn’t in your highest good.


You won’t know if you don’t ask to be shown. Trust Soul to answer you. It will. You will be sent your answer ~ so be sure you’re looking for it. When that answer does come, be sure to make every attempt to understand it. Then, ask Soul for whatever is better, more in alignment, than what you asked for previously.

Allowing requires a steady, patient, one-pointed focus that it will come, coupled with a heart open to receive it.

Theos tells us allowing is an art. It is an art that needs to be practiced … daily. And, as with any art, we excel with practice.

Open your heart more every day. Be empathetic. Be compassionate. Be understanding. And above all, believe you can have what you want. Then trust it will come. Expect it to come. Wait patiently, like you know it is coming.

Because it is.