The Informants ~ Your Emotions

Many students of metaphysics and/or mysticism are familiar with the concept of “emotions as messengers,” but we seem to experience a disconnect in living this truth on a daily basis. Too often, we get caught up in our emotional reactions to thoughts of a negative tone, thus increasing the drama level, which in turn increases the negative thoughts, giving rise to more negative emotional reactions, then more negative thoughts, etc., ad infinitum.

One definite goal of all TAM study group participants is learning to stay in the observer, especially when confronted with old emotional reactions to negative mental habits and patterns. Once you learn to maintain the observer state, your emotions become your friend, giving you valuable information about what you’re thinking.

This leads to recognizing your emotions as the Blessing they truly are. As an energetic reaction to your thoughts, they are valuable messengers who tell you precisely what kinds of thoughts you are thinking. Like labels on jars telling you exactly what’s inside.

Eventually, after working with your emotions to recognize and evolve your thoughts, your emotional nature becomes a reflection of your evolved thoughts: more and more peaceful … more loving … kinder … and no, not boring.

A love of drama does not improve your life … it indicates an unhealthy attachment to emotional swings, which are not good for your emotional body and most definitely are not good for your physical body. The stress created by strong emotions wreak havoc with your physical form, underlying most illnesses … and accidents.

Emotions are your informants … listen to them.