Stuck Like Glue...




Emotions are glue … and they are often stuck to you.

Stuck to you like glue until you deal with them somehow … stuff them down … bury them … invalidate them … or release them in some way. The releasing can sometimes turn into a hazardous venture … and that’s not saying the other ways which delay dealing with your emotions are any better in the long run.

The unhappy exception to the “Stuck Like Glue” club is, ironically enough, happiness. Ever fleeting, often elusive, sometimes intensely intense, and other times mildly moving? That’s happiness. There’s a reason for this. Well, maybe more than one. See our section Finding Joy.

So, what’s one to do with these sticky emotions?

First, it’s important to remember the information we’ve offered previously on the magnetism of thoughts and how they generate emotional reactions or responses. The more jarring the thought is to your sensibility and senses, the stronger the charge of emotion will be … the stronger the emotional charge, the stronger the glue.

We call emotional reactions “charges.” We call emotional responses, emotional mastery. We use the term “charge” or “emotional charge” for our emotional reactions to thoughts and ideas because they cause a physical reaction ~ great or small ~ in the body.

These can often feel like being poked with a cattle prod, or putting your finger in an electrical socket, or even being punched … or something more mild like getting an unexpected jolt on a car ride, or someone momentarily swerving into your lane in traffic, etc. Fear of any magnitude can also definitely cause a charge.

The greater the disharmony between the thought/idea and your beliefs in the “rightness” or “wrongness” of the thought or idea, the greater the emotional charge is likely to be. The greater the fear, the bigger the charge.

The best starting point is calling upon the Will to Act to separate the thought from the emotion. This gives you the chance to find some objectivity and balance, so you are not overwhelmed with an emotional reaction.

Once you’ve accomplished this separation, we have also developed a number of “tools” for dealing with these emotional charges, which are covered in detail in Our Toolbelt section. The “Shake and Snap,” “Wrap ‘n Send,” “Healed and Transformed,” and the “Violet-Blue Effusion,” are all good choices for giving your emotions an energetic “treatment” before they are sent back to Source.

Finding the best tool for you often depends on your beliefs and your physical form. Remember: your body ~ your pet ~ has a Consciousness of its own and will respond to different energies and energetic treatments in its own way. Experiment until you find the method that works best for all of you.

What about the “not-dealing” methods of dealing with your emotions? There is voluminous information to be found online, in books, and medical journals, about the physical ~ and psychological ~ hazards of holding onto, wallowing in, or hiding from, your emotions. If you know that you are stuffing your emotions, hiding from them, and you are unable to effectively address them or function adequately on a daily basis, seek a qualified psychological therapist. TAM is not, and has never been, designed to replace qualified psychological therapy.

If you have successfully been in therapy, or are currently seeing a qualified therapist, your next move is calling on the Will to Act to help you Know what the emotions are and where they are … and, who’s hiding with them.

Give the Will to Act time to help you. Be alert and on the lookout for that help ~ which often comes in unexpected ways … but just as often can come from everyday sources. Pay attention! Otherwise, you might lose the opportunity and your Soul and Guides will have to set up other circumstances to bring you the answers you are asking to have.

Emotions may have the same magnetic glue as the thoughts that elicited them, but that doesn’t mean you are stuck with them. Use the tools you’ve been given, see a qualified psychological therapist if you need to, and call upon the Will to Act.

Ultimately, the best way to free yourself from all emotional glue is through training your Mind to think Peaceful, Loving, Enlightened thoughts. And that’s what TAM is here to help you do.