Soul-alignment ~ the Bones of a Better Life
Once you have initiated ~ and practiced ~ Soul contact,the next step is to practice a very basic Soul-alignment meditation:
121822-SA, Basic Soul-alignment Meditation
After you feel comfortable with that meditation, Theos has given everyone new to our study and play together a written, slightly more advanced, version to practice by clicking on this link:***
Basic Technique of Soul-alignment
The importance of Soul-alignment cannot be over-emphasized … it is the foundation for all of the study and play we do here together. It is a daily ritual meant to fill you with every Blessing you can accept and embrace.
You may have heard Theos and other Guides saying: “Everything you need is already within your aura,” and you’ve wondered how this could be so. It is because your consciousness is held within the aura of your Soul, as well as the auras of your Guides and Angels. It is through these connections that all things are made possible. As above, so below. Set your intent to be in continuous alignment with your Soul and to fulfill your part in the Divine Plan.
Soul-alignment is essential for contacting the Qualities of Divine Will. It is only through Soul’s ability to “step down” the powerful Energies of Divine Will that we are able to receive these Energies into our lives and transmit them outwardly to All Others. Soul is our Solar Angel, the One in Whom we live and move and have our being.
Soul is our Solar Angel, the One In Whom we live and move and have our being