What is Soul-alignment?

* Soul-alignment is a sacred practice.

* It is a ritual connecting you to yourself as Soul ~ directly ~ using your will and intent. It is a sacred connection Soul welcomes and encourages.

Why is Soul-alignment important?

* You are the living embodiment of Soul’s will to incarnate, to take an earthly life for the purposes of spiritual advancement.

* Soul is the One who knows the number of hairs on your head … knows every thought you think … every emotion your thoughts evoke … every experience … simply everything about you. You are Soul’s creation.

*You are one of many ~ perhaps thousands ~ of the lives your Soul has created as part of Soul’s Path to Enlightenment. A level of existence often called Nirvana.

* As you probably know, our earthly lives are an illusion … an illusion meant to fool us into believing it is real, in order to help us grow and carry out our spiritual purpose. To walk our Path … Soul’s purpose for this lifetime.

* Without understanding the part you’ve come here to play under Soul’s Divine Plan ~ and without consciously helping Soul’s Divine Plan ~ your life becomes constant struggle and crisis. The more you go without consciously seeking to cooperate with your Soul’s Plan for your life, the more struggles … and the more crises … you will experience. Soul greatly desires your cooperation but cannot intervene in your opportunities to learn. Soul is bound by Laws and Rules, just as we here on Earth are.

* However, the more you cooperate with Soul’s Plan for your life, the easier and more joyful your life becomes.

*When you are out of alignment with Soul’s Plan, when you choose to follow a course of your own making that ignores Soul’s Plan, you will have to endure the consequences of your own choices, which can often feel pretty horrible. But again, Soul cannot intervene because we all learn through the consequences of the  choices we make, in order to learn to make better choices. So Soul will continue to send you opportunities until you’ve learned to create better choices for yourself.

* Soul Loves you … unconditionally. Soul doesn’t judge you … they send you Love, compassion, understanding, and many other energies to help you on your Path. The more you remember to connect with your Soul, the better your life will be.

* Soul-alignment is the very foundation upon which our highest good is made and the way all the good we can experience is created.

This is a partnership you form with yourself as Soul. It is the most important relationship you will ever have.