What is Real?
This place is an illusion.
There was some debate as to whether this should have been the first entry to Essential Concepts instead of the last. Our thinking on this subject was this: of all the Truths we have shared here, this is the biggest, hardest Truth to believe without hard evidence. We felt establishing our credibility with other fact-based entries before tackling this subject was the wisest course.
Ironically enough, unlike the rest of the Concepts presented here, there really isn’t a shred of hard, scientific data to prove it’s True.
That of course means that this is the one Truth presented here that you have to take completely on Faith. To depend on your own ability to Know Truth. It asks you to believe ~ to really believe. To believe so thoroughly that you behave here in the illusion with this Truth squarely in your Awareness at all times. And that, my friends, is your supreme challenge. The biggest challenge you will ever face in this life.
Is this moving?
They don’t call this the “Earth School” for no reason. Who are “they”? All the Beings Who monitor this illusion, offer help when asked for it, and those whose intents are not good, and for whom we hold a higher focus while we do our best to keep them from interfering. You’re here to learn, to advance your Soul’s spiritual progress, and fulfill the Divine Plan of the Creator of this reality/illusion.
Scientists believe that no matter is ever gained or lost here. That’s getting closer to realizing the Truth. We have always maintained that you live in a closed system¹ … and that there are systems within systems within systems, ad infinitum. In its own way, every system is a closed system. Remember this. It’s important to your health.
So “discovering” the Truth about this illusion. It’ll happen. It’s only a question of when … and we don’t make predictions. But someday … in the far, far distant future. When Sanat Kumara has completed His reasons for Being in this form and learned what He created this world to learn. Then will all be revealed.
In the meantime, there are always those who get close to the Truth and the world Becomes a better place because of it. These are not predictions.
On occasion we mention trends or possibilities we see developing among the masses. Those aren’t predictions, it’s just reading the energies properly. So the wise ones take heed when we mention such things.
The energies we read are always the same type: thoughts. Reading the emotions is a task we give to the younger Guides-in-Training because the emotions are more obvious and usually clearer, in a sense, than the thoughts are. When this training is complete, Guides “graduate” to learning to read thoughts, (originating energy), and broaden their ability to monitor multiple lifeforms … then multiple lifeforms in multiple Kingdoms, and so on. But we never do this alone. We always have help and helpers.
Like you.
If you remember nothing else from these Essential Concepts, remember that everything is energy and that energy follows thought. Everything here was a thought before it became a thing, a person, a circumstance, a whatever … because everything here is a thought held in the Mind of God. All a daydream of your Creator, all just thoughts … God working God out.
Your Soul agreed to be part of this “daydream,” i.e., this illusion, in order to advance spiritually. You help God, God helps you. This Universe of polarity is only resolved through balance.
The closer you get to truly believing this is an illusion, the more joyful and blissful life becomes.