Fundamental Principles:

Within the context of this work, a Rule is the result of tried experience and of age-long practice. What we usually call anything that’s “tried and true.”
A Universal Truth is a fact that is always True in every instance.
A Universal Law upholds a Universal Truth and provokes the circumstances under which the Universal Truth can be maintained. Think about this carefully ~ there’s more here than one may initially grasp. Karma is a fundamental Universal Law … it upholds the Universal Truth that we live in a Universe of Polarities which is always seeking Balance.
There’s another Universal Law called the Law of Correspondences. You may have heard the expression: “As above, so below.” This is a simple iteration of this Law. There’s a section on this Law further on in these Essential Concepts.
All Universal Truths and Laws are central, and supportive, to all of the activities presented here ~ but our initial focus will be specifically centered around Three Universal Truths: Everything Is Energy, Energy Follows Thought, and Energy Is Cyclical.