* What You Focus On, INCREASES *
Once you recognize the power of your thoughts to create your world, it is equally important to recognize that this thought power, multiplied, grows not arithmetically, but exponentially.
The more focus you give to a thought, the more power it has. Every time you think that thought, you are adding to its power. Exponentially.
Remember this? “…50,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day ~ mostly subconscious, 98% of them the same, and 80% negative.” The vast majority of Humanity is experiencing this habituated, negative mental state the majority of the time.
For example, consider a time when you were angry … when you were unable to stop thinking about how angry you were over a situation or person. Every time the thought came up, you felt that “zap!” of anger rising up. Each thought built upon the last, creating more and more angry feelings inside you. Once you started dwelling on one situation that made you angry, more instances of being similarly angry also came up. And your anger kept building. This continued until the anger exploded outward … or you forced yourself to bury it inside yourself, creating resentment and bitterness, eventually manifesting as either accidents or health crises.
This is one relatable example of how what you focus on, increases.
There is more that needs to be said in this regard and it is found under the Essential Manifesting section of the website.