E=MC² ... Almost everyone on this planet has, at one time or another, seen this famous formula … but may not comprehend what these letters, the symbol, and the superscript number mean. E stands for Energy. Most people understand the Equal sign/symbol, i.e., meaning one thing Is The Same As the other ~ so Energy is the same as MC. MC is a symbol for two things: M stands for Matter times C stands for The Speed of Light, and the superscript 2 means Squared.

Stated in the simplest terms possible, what this formula tells us is this: Everything in the universe is energy. (Click on the graphic for a brief article explaining this concept.)

The Truth that everything is energy has been the mainstay of the Ageless Wisdom for literally thousands of years … but has only relatively recently gained acceptance by modern science and is, as yet, unrecognized by the masses. (Science has not, as yet, recognized our ability to “play/work” with energy in the context we are using here.) Provided onsite is a Recommended Reading List which includes several books covering some of the newest “discoveries” being made by scientists and physicists which prove that all is energy … and that matter, as traditionally thought of, simply does not exist. There is only energy moving at differing rates of vibration and/or frequency which can produce – in the sequence of cycles – a form. What used to be called “matter” is now understood to be a fairly static arrangement of very slowly moving energy.

Understanding this Truth about energy, we gain great benefit from working and playing with the cyclical energies present ~ in a conscious, purposeful way. It is within this context that The Asceni Method (TAM) works its proverbial “magic” and helps us manipulate the energies present in such a way as to produce outcomes resulting in meaningful changes in the way we think and therefore, meaningful, positive changes in our lives. As Theos often reminds us: “When everything is energy, what could possibly be more important than energy work?”