Energy Is CyclicalThe Importance of Cycles

This Truth has been firmly established by the scientific community and is considered “common knowledge” among the masses. Numerous specialty studies considering the effects of Ages and Cycles in various fields of science exist at all levels of education, including such subjects as geology, archeology, anthropology, etc. Astrology, particularly individual astrology, is a demonstration of the principles of the Law of Periodicity, (Cycles), applied microcosmically. It would be worth noting that even though Astrology is sometimes referred to as the “oldest science,” it is still in its nascent stages of development and therefore not yet an exact science. Like physics, astrology has yet to settle certain fundamental questions.

Everything in the known Universe is subject to the Law of Periodicity, from the tiniest atomic particle, (with its “half-life”), to galaxies and beyond. Periodicity does not describe the passage of time, rather it is defined as: “the regular appearance of an energy,” i.e., a cycle. All forms respond to cycles and have cyclical lives.

Just as successful farmers follow the order and demand of the seasons … we must also follow natural Cycles if we wish to successfully create Rhythm, Order and Right Timing in our lives ~ all of which lead to perfect manifestations.

We create with the ease of incoming energies … we integrate, release, and rest as the energies subside.

Many people believe that having insights and revelations are what brings an expansion of their consciousness, yet they are often challenged to hold onto ~ for any length of time ~ the Truths that are revealed in those insights and revelations. 

This challenge stems directly from the fact that having insights and revelations are only the beginning of the process. Consciousness is expanded – not simply through insights and revelations – but through the use of the Truth imparted in those insights and revelations. The Asceni Method creates lasting expansions of consciousness through programming the integration of those expansions into Moon Cycles

Integration is the regular use of the Truths learned ~ on a cyclical basis ~ and is what leads to lasting expansions of consciousness through repetition leading to integration.