Change Your Thoughts ➠ Change Your Life
Theos has given many, many channelings on the Universal Truth that our thoughts create our reality. It is fundamental to all the work we do here. If you would like to listen to and/or read some of these channelings, please email us at: _________________.
An important principle to remember with respect to changing your thoughts, is the Truth that thoughts are magnetic, automatically drawing to you more of the energy, thoughts, and things with a like vibration … high or low … which depends on you and the kind of thoughts you are having.
Your thoughts ~ and the emotions they engender ~ make up the sum total of your daily world, the reality you interact with, argue with/agree with, and love or hate in turns. Since energy follows thought, if you’re unhappy with the reality you live in, you can change it.
For instance, when you change your thoughts to kinder, more Loving thoughts, your emotional reactions to those thoughts change. Your personality changes. Your aura changes … and you begin to attract to you those folks, (mirrors), who reflect these changes back to you: meeting kinder, more Loving people. Then the Cycle begins anew. Your thoughts become even kinder and more Loving, your personality changes, your aura changes, and you attract ever more Loving, kinder people into your life. This is personal evolution in action.

There are 3 key elements which foster changes in your thinking:

- The first key, core element required to accomplish a change in thinking is Awareness. In fact, any kind of growth ~ personal or spiritual ~ is impossible to accomplish without Awareness. You can’t change a thought you don’t know you have.
Some experts estimate the mind thinks between 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts a day. That’s an average of 2,500 – 3,300 thoughts per hour. An incredible 42 – 50 thoughts a minute. Other experts estimate a smaller number of 50,000 thoughts per day, which means about 2,100 thoughts per hour, or 35 thoughts a minute.
Stop right now and consider the last 10 minutes. That means you had approximately 350 thoughts. How many of those thoughts can you identify?
And according to some research, as many as 98 percent of your thoughts are exactly the same as the thoughts you had the day before.
We call these habitual thought patterns, “thought loops.” Until you develop enough Awareness to be able to track your thoughts, you spend most of your waking hours caught in the loop of habituated thinking. We’ve identified numerous thought patterns with specific characteristics and given them nicknames symbolic of those characteristics. Names like rat thoughts, fogged thoughts, looping thoughts, half thoughts, etc., help us recognize these thoughts when they pass through our minds.
Even more significantly, it’s estimated that 80 percent of your thoughts are negative in attitude.
So, 50,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day ~ mostly subconscious, 98% of them the same, and 80% negative. How much more important can learning how to recognize and change your thoughts be?

2. After we recognize the need ~ and have the desire ~ to change our thoughts, the second key, core element is setting your Intent to do it. Setting your intent is an act of personal will, rightly directed towards self-improvement and, through improving yourself, improving the world around you. Try creating a ritual, whether physical or energetic, which sends a clear signal to your Soul about your intent to change. Soul is your partner in this journey and having their support is crucial to having an easy, effortless, and joyful learning experience.
Setting your intent ~ signaling Soul you are ready to take this next step, assures your success. Soul will begin sending you all sorts of help ~ some outright amazing ~ to assist you in accomplishing this goal. Soul wants you to succeed. Soul wants the very best for you
The only obstacle between you and all the good things Soul has for you, is you. Learning to allow Soul’s help into your life is an ongoing part of the work and play we do with TAM.
Write your intent down and put it somewhere you can see it often. Read it out loud when its energy calls to you. Make another copy and store it in a place you don’t look often, but do look at occasionally. When you next see it many months from now, you will be surprised to notice how your intention has been working its way into manifestation.

3. The third key, core element is to be Committed to fulfilling your intent. This commitment is realized through a patient, steady, one-pointed focus on becoming aware of your thoughts. This is a textbook description of Will to Build qualities. Once you begin to work with Divine Will, you ~ through your Soul ~ will be able to call upon the Wills and invite Their Qualities into your life for easy, loving and transformative change.
If you feel your commitment slipping, spend a few minutes in meditation or contemplation remembering why you set out on this path. Ask yourself what kinds of issues or challenges were you having that called out for a change? Ask if the challenges you are facing now are kinder, gentler, more loving than those confronting you when you first committed to this path?
These questions will help you gauge the benefits you are receiving here and affirm to your doubtful self that all is working as it should. All is well.
Taking these steps will help you stay committed to allowing your higher good into your life.
Once these first steps are completed, you are ready for the process of cognitive restructuring.
Beyond simply changing your thoughts, with cognitive restructuring you change the way you think. You begin to think ideas new to you: higher thoughts, more loving thoughts … if your thoughts repeat, now it is because this is how you train yourself to think different thoughts … the tenor of your thoughts become more positive. You attract more positivity to you.
You start to ask new questions, such as: How do I express my own Divinity? How do I manifest things that suit my growth? How can I aid the Divine Plan? What part did I come here to play in that Plan?
You begin to think of yourself as more completely, more consciously, part of the One Life. With understanding your connection to ALL, what happens to all living beings, what happens to this planet ~ this reality, become of real importance to you. And as your thoughts continue to evolve into higher, finer, more Loving thoughts, your life improves, as does all Life around you. For that is the beauty and Grace of group effort.
Change your thoughts … change your world.