about religion and this website…….
We have no quarrel with whatever pronoun you choose to use for the Creator of this planet/reality. We have knowledge about what dominant type of energy ~ what you call “gender” ~ the Creators of all the heavenly bodies in your solar system demonstrate. Because this is a Universe of polarities, there are only three expressions possible: in your terms they are feminine, or masculine, or neutral. In our lexicon, they are receptive, or active, or balanced.
We describe the polarities as active or receptive ~ basically genderless words in the English language ~ to help you all develop genderless thinking, which is one of your next evolutionary steps.
In the meantime, if we use the term “God” we are referring to the Creator of this planet/reality, Who has as His physical expression a Ray 3 form, which is everywhere in evidence through the Law of Evolution. His Focus at this point in His sequence is on Ray 2, the Law of Love, which after 2,000 years, has not yet fully blossomed.
As clearly seen all around you, the God of this world loves diversity. Diversity in every Kingdom is the Rule. It is only logical that many religions would be required to meet the needs of the myriad Souls incarnate, whose purpose it is to carry out God’s Divine Plan through having many Lives in the Kingdoms of this world/reality.
Each religion has its measure of Truth.
The difficulty comes through the various dogmas that arise during the development and practice of religion. Filled with erroneous, politicized, and polarized information ~ or downright lies ~ coming mainly from human hubris and error, these dogmas precipitate a great deal of the misery and suffering of this world.
We encourage the pursuit of a relationship with your Soul and the Creator of this world in whatever way you may find it. However, this website is not, nor will it ever be, associated with any religion. We do not endorse or condemn.
Wherever the Truth is found, it is included among these pages.