(Adopted sometime after 2011)


-A = Adjustment

-C = Channeling

-M = Meditation

-SA = Soul-Alignment

-SC = Soul Contact

-C/M or M/C = Channeling and Meditation mixed

(a Theos tactic for ensuring deeper listening)

Note from Theos: This is a purposefully different form of Soul-alignment. While there is great power in speaking sacred words aloud, there is also great power in silently energizing sacred ideas and concepts. Even more power through riding the energies of this meditation, letting it carry you to that Place where you meet Yourself as Soul and, in Union with Soul, invoking and evoking the Energies of Divine Will in specific ways. We ask that you alternate this Soul-alignment with the last written Soul-alignment we’ve given you. This doesn’t mean it needs to be a strict one-for-one exchange … just be sure to listen to this meditation a few times a week.

120821-M, Soul-Alignment

by Theos | 2021

122221-M, Soul-Alignment

by Theos | 2021

**Please Note that these meditations may not be as long as indicated.  In most cases, the music has been allowed to continue to the end, after the meditation was completed.**

012323-M, Soul Contact

by Theos | 2023

092319-M, Soul-Alignment, Sylvania

by Theos | 2019

100119-M, Soul-Alignment, Ann Arbor

by Theos | 2019

112519-M, Soul-Alignment and Manifesting

by Theos | 2019

052020-M, Soul-Alignment

by Theos | 2020

101820-M, Soul-Alignment

by Theos | 2020

031221-M, Soul-Alignment

by Theos | 2021