Please keep in mind, that NONE of the information included in Foundational Astrology is comprehensive or complete.



Symbol:           The Ram

Glyph:              The Eyebrows and Nose; or
                         A Fountain Gushing Upward and Outward

Element:          Fire

Polarity:           Yang

Modality:         Cardinal

Orientation:     Personal

Wills/Rays:       6, 4 and 7 (The Constellation Aries distributes Ray 1 and Ray 7.)


Relates to Mars and the 1st House.

The Rulers of the Sign of Aries are Mars, (exoteric), Mercury, (Esoteric), and Uranus, (Hierarchical).


Core Meaning: “I Am”


Key Phrase:     My ability to be independent and to develop self-awareness.” Or

“I identify myself with who I AM.”

Key Concepts:

As the first Sign of the Zodiac, Aries is associated with “high-octane” energy and the enthusiasm of youth … sometimes referred to as the infant/child of the Zodiac … in its quest for independence, Aries will frequently “lock horns”with conventional attitudes … will often resist pressure from outside … likes to do things his/her/their own way …but can often accomplish much in the outside world. Some Aries individuals like to do everything at full throttle, without patience, consideration, or caution, which can cause missed efforts or ineffective results. Often starts but doesn’t finish. They can be naive and may judge everything around them by the extent of their own experience. They live in the world of ideas.

Aries are renowned for directness and rarely miss a chance to let others know right where they stand on issues … even if this information and sharing are unwelcome. Aries’ greatest gifts are an abundance of original ideas and an ingrained honesty. They often don’t see the details, keeping an eye solely on the goal, which leads to difficulties and setbacks.

Aries find many ways to make money but others tend to profit more from their work than they do. They anger easily but it’s also easily extinguished. Though they meet the world with courage and sometimes bravado, they are, at heart, often unsure of themselves. Aries can be possessive in their romantic encounters; they can be fiery and passionate, but it often burns out quickly and they then pursue another field of conquest.

They excel as teachers, travelers, soldiers, statesmen, writers or craftsmen, (especially in metalwork) and are often found in the position of an “idea man.” This allows Aries to initiate projects without having to actually follow through on those ideas. Aries loves the new and has little patience with others, especially if they see they are growing faster than those around them: “If I can do it, why can’t they?” is the type of mindset that earns Aries the title of arrogant.

Folks often like the way Aries can get to the heart of a matter without getting bogged down by details. They have easy perception and quick minds, leading to clear thinking … coupled with courage and enthusiasm, they can be very appealing to those less assertive or introspective. Aries need to feel proud of their spouses and their offspring. They will encourage their children to express themselves freely, to fight for what they believe in, and to use their skills to become successful in their chosen field.

Aries often thrive on competition and seek occupations which give them the opportunity for leadership. They are more idealistically oriented than materialistically ~ the idea is more important than the object it produces. They are aggressive sexually and have great charm. They attract many friends but rarely keep them for long. They may be ruled more by passion than compassion.

Aries must develop awareness of others and learn the ways of its opposite, Libra, through cooperation and sharing. They are continually striving to grow and learn. The ultimate goal for Aries is to seed ideas which are grounded and made permanent in Taurus. Aries people are very aware of themselves and are constantly striving to grow, ever seeking the right direction for the release of their energy. They need to find a cause greater than themselves, then align themselves so as to move forward in life and a greater beingness.

Planets in Aries tend to be quickened or energized by the contact, in particular the Sun and Mars. Archetypal male Planets are said to prosper in this Sign, gaining in vigor, sharpness of mind and strength of purpose. Not so Saturn, which tends to dampen Aries’ irrepressible spirit placing limits on the exuberant and assertive traits. Venus, whose instinct for compromise, can clash with this Sign’s impulse to do things its own way. The Ram symbolizes Aries’ instinctive and forceful approach to life, and its readiness to rush headlong into a challenge or an adventure.

Land Areas ruled by Aries:


Plants ruled by Aries:

England, Germany, Denmark, and Palestine

Jews and Muslims

Radish, rhubarb, peppers, garlic, hemp, poppies, broom, holly, thistle, nettles, onions, dock, fern, and mustard

Stones and Gems ruled by Aries:

Parts of the Body Ruled by Aries:

Aries on the Wheel:

bloodstone, carnelian, ocher, brimstone, diamond, and all minerals of a reddish hue

Head, brain, eyes, adrenal glands

Ordinary:   And the Word said: “Let form again be sought.”

Reversed “I come forth and from the plane of mind I rule.”

Aries ~ on the Path:

Undeveloped:           Instinctual reaction; blind, undirected experience
Advanced:                 Desire, directed personality effort
Disciple/Initiate:        Will; recognition and work with the Plan

Aries from an Occult Standpoint:

Seed of Life: “I bring the electric fire of the Will to Be.”

Unskillful Qualities:

Foolhardy, zealot, egotistic, oblivious to others, lacks subtlety, opinionated, forceful, aggressive, rash, reckless, careless, impulsive, irresponsible, violent, self-centered, impatient, belligerent, brusque, temperamental, argumentative, overbearing, starts but doesn’t finish, headstrong, overpowering, combative, overzealous

Skillful Qualities:

Courageous, bold, assertive, inspirational, intuitive, perceptive, direct, decisive, ability to lead, initiating, pioneering, innovative, daring, spontaneous, leader, innocent, energetic, eager, active, confident, fearless, enthusiastic, exuberant, independent, naive, open, honest, imaginative, idea person, quick