You’ll See It … When You Believe It:
The Universal Truth that we create our reality manifests through the continuous operation of 6 core elements: the thoughts we think, which over time develop into firmly held beliefs; the emotions generated by those thoughts, and the attitudes those emotions harden into over time; the choices we have created through our ability to imagine possibilities, which are directly limited by what our thoughts, beliefs, emotions and attitudes will allow; and ultimately, the decisions we make from among the choices we created, which have also been limited by what our thoughts, beliefs, emotions and attitudes have allowed.
You cannot manifest something outside of either your experience … or your imagined realm of possibilities. You cannot integrate ideas contrary to your beliefs or those which inflame your negative emotions. In either case, rejection is inevitable. Without a mind open to possibility, you are a slave to your strongly held beliefs and emotional attachments … the real ties that bind.

“Walking on Water”
It is crucial for everyone to understand one very important Truth about your thoughts: all thoughts ~ of every nature, be they high or low ~ are magnetic.
A point worth repeating: This means that every single thought you think is magnetic to the energy necessary to complete itself. They actively seek out the energy to create whatever you think about most.
The importance of deeply, truly embracing this Truth is impossible to overstate.

My thoughts are magnetic ~ they seek the energy to create themselves
This is how your thoughts create your reality. Through going out into the universe and actively seeking the energy which will manifest them. Consider all the thoughts you’ve had in your life from early childhood on. Things you’ve said … and meant in the moment … thoughts you kept to yourself because you were too ashamed to share them. All magnetic. All seeking to find the energy necessary to complete themselves ~ to manifest in your reality.
The Guides tell us that our thoughts are created through great joy … or more commonly, through great fear. This is connected with the magnetism of your emotions and their connection to the Moon. Clearly, not every thought has managed to find the necessary energy to complete itself and manifest in your reality. There’s a reason that’s true and it has to do with the fact that until a human being reaches a certain point in their evolution, low and harmful thoughts are inevitable.
Planning for this eventuality, Souls created a way for most of the harmful thoughts to fail in their efforts to create themselves. They created a barrier which some call a “ring-pass-not.” This barrier exists between you and the Causal Plane ~ the Plane where manifestation takes place. Manifestation is also called precipitation, but in the context of your thoughts creating, they are not the same.

Manifesting is the deliberate concretization of your thoughts. Precipitation usually occurs when there’s an over abundance of lower thoughts focused on negative results creating ~ i.e., worry ~ which cause the “raining down” of those thoughts in the form that is feared. Theos often tells us: “Worry is negative energy work.” Taking the time to consider this Truth would be time well spent.
Because thoughts and beliefs are an integral ~ and initiating ~ part of how we manifest our lives, Theos recognizes how important it is for people to understand this process of manifestation and how to manifest a better life through cognitive restructuring. So, in one definite sense, this entire website is devoted to teaching us how to better manifest our lives.
In all truthfulness, to call manifesting your reality a process, rather simplifies what is in actuality, a science.
The Tibetan calls manifesting “White Magic” and acknowledges it as a science, devoting an entire book to the Rules and Laws which govern this science as a group endeavor. The entire subject of manifesting has engendered a veritable tsunami of books, articles, lectures, seminars, and websites. Obviously, we have no intention of trying to present an overview of all the information that’s available.
What we present here is information Theos has given us on the subject of manifesting. They have given us numerous channelings, along with some meditations, and some of them are included here on the website in The Reading Room and on The Elevator. One of the most important and helpful channelings is found under “Channeling Transcripts,” and on The Elevator, both entitled: “Why This? Why Me? Why Now?”
We encourage everyone to listen to, read, re-listen to, and reread them. You all need help and support in navigating this illusion with awareness and this transcript and the recordings support you remembering the Truth about the illusion in which you live.
Additionally, an important note here: Thoughts aren’t just words ~ they are also pictures, images, and feeling senses.
As the final word on all of this, we’ll quote what Darius always told us:
“There’s this common saying you have that you’ll believe it when you see it.”
“That’s backwards.”
“The Truth is: You’ll see it when you believe it.”