The Void
The Void:
There seems to be some confusion about the purpose of the Void and what really happens there. The Void is more your own creation than it is a Universal creation.
You often seem to feel the Void is what astronomers/physicists believe a black hole is ~ that it takes in things and somehow dissolves/destroys them, freeing you from them. It may be that the information you’ve received on the Void in the past was not clear.
The Void exists because there is most often a pause between letting go of old thoughts, beliefs, emotions, attitudes, creations, etc., and the emergence of new thoughts, directions, creations, etc.
When we say to make the Void your friend, we are not implying that the Void is an existing Universal creation … rather, to make the Void your friend is to get comfortable with not knowing, with being humble, patient, and accepting of that space in time between letting go of the old and receiving the new.
So the Void is more a function of time, than it is a space.

This is why we have cautioned you not to view or treat the Void as a dumping ground. Sending thoughts, etc., into the Void healed and transformed fills the gap with positivity of new and better things. Remember: you create every moment of your life … this includes time spent in the Void. It is always to your benefit to focus only on the things, people, experiences, situations and circumstances that you do want in every moment.
Our friend Orin states the idea perfectly and has the last word here: (emphasis ours)
“Even though the Void can be uncomfortable, it is important to use this time to make a stronger connection to your Soul and Divine Will, rather than seeking to create something, anything, just to be busy again. Trust that there is a Divine Plan and that it is unfolding perfectly. Let it work out in its own timing and in its own way. Learn to be patient and wait for the new to appear rather than to force a course of action.
When you force something to happen rather than wait for opportunities to appear, you can actually delay the working out of the higher plan for your life. Interpret what appears as a time of no outer activity as a time of the inner activity of evolving your consciousness. Be patient, and refuse to take action on lesser plans which may delay you and need to be undone later. As you expand your consciousness, what you create afterward will be infinitely more fulfilling.”